Tag: manuals
Interaction toolkit
Abstract: This toolkit contains tips, guidance and resources to help councils ub the UK and their partners improve the impact of their international development activities. It explains why councils should get involved in development, how to develop a strategy, how to get buy-in, and about setting budgets. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 UK Local government…
Resources for development practitioners
Abstract: Literature, case studies, lessons learned, and good practices pertaining to capacity development. Includes links to international and local capacity development agencies and other knowledge resources. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2009 World bank, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://go.worldbank.org/TFIPT5BOR0
Online sourcebook on decentralization & local development
Abstract: Hosted by CIESIN, this website contains discussions of issues in programme design, case studies, and tools for practitioners in the area of decentralization. Author(s): FAO Source(s): , 1 file, ill. Published: 2009 Food and agriculture organization of the United nations (FAO) [etc.], Rome [etc.] (English; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ciesin.org/decentralization/Entryway/english_contents.html
In the know : using information to make better decisions : a discussion paper
Abstract: Buidling on the experiences on the UK Audit Commission, this paper aims to encourage people to think about the information they use whenever they make decisions, arguing that the quality and cost of public services depend upon those decisions. Author(s): Source(s): , 49 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2008 Audit commission, London (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Cities for climate protection (CCP) Australia adaptation initiative : local government climate change adaptation toolkit
Abstract: The tools and exercises in this toolkit are designed to help councils identify aspects of their internal decision-making processes that need to be enhanced to appropriately and routinely plan for the impacts of climate change. Author(s): Source(s): , vi, 61 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 ICLEI Oceania, Melbourne (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://masgc.org/climate/cop/Documents/CCPAAI.pdf
Our money, our responsibility : a citizens’ guide to monitoring government expenditures
Abstract: The basic ideas that civil society groups need to begin monitoring budget expenditures are provided. The overall budget process is explained, followed by a close-up look at the stages in which civil society groups can track and monitor expenditures. Author(s): Ramkumar, Vivek Source(s): , x, 166 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 International budget project…
Mauritius local government gender action plan manual
Abstract: The local government (LG) gender action plan workshop manual is a product of the Training of Trainer (TOT) workshop that took place in Johannesburg in November 2007. The workshop brought together representatives of gender and LG authorities from Mauritius, Lesotho, South Africa and Namibia. Author(s): Virahsawmy, Loga Source(s): , 129 p., ill., graphs, tabs…
Local communities and natural products : a manual for organizing natural resource management groups for resource management planning, enterprise development and integration into value chains
Abstract: This Manual intends to serve the needs of agencies and organizations that are interested in facilitating community organizing, NRM planning and implementation, community-based natural product enterprise development, and the integration of those into rewarding value chains. Author(s): Subedi, Bhishma Source(s): , iv, 61 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 United States agency for international development…
Empowering the poor : the KALAHI-CIDSS community-driven development project : a toolkit of concepts and cases
Abstract: This paper reports on a community-driven development project in the Philippines that aims to empower communities through their enhanced participation in poverty reduction projects. Stories from the communities illustrate the general outline of the programme objectives and features. Author(s): Parker, Andrew; Sera, Yumi; Bhatnagar, Bhuvan Source(s): , 40 p., ill., maps Published: 2005 World…
Building capacities for monitoring and evaluating decentralisation and local governance in West Africa : facilitating capitalisation and learning : methodological guidance for the preparation of case studies
Abstract: The purpose of this methodological note is to provide guidance for authors in phase 1 of a multi-organizational activity in the field of capacity building in M&E. It is meant to ensure that the selected approaches and experiences will be presented in a user-friendly and concise form. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane; Le Bay, Sonia; Baser,…