Tag: land rights
What’s in a right? : the liberalisation of gold mining and decentralisation in Burkina Faso
Abstract: In Burkina Faso, municipal governments have become strategic actors for the arbitration of mining claims. Since their role and responsibilities are not defined within the Mining Code, a playing field for clientelist relations has opened up. Author(s): Côte, Muriel Source(s): , LDPI working paper; 25 20 p., ill., tab LDPI working paper 25 Published:…
Land portal : the gateway to land information = la passerelle à l’information foncière
Abstract: The Land Portal is an easy access, easy-to-use platform to share land related information, to monitor trends, and identify information gaps to promote effective and sustainable land governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 International land coalition (ILC), Rome (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://landportal.info/
Upholding customary land rights through formalization : evidence from Tanzania’s program of land reform
Abstract: The challenges of bringing informal, customary land arrangements into a universal formalized land administration are examined. One of the questions is whether certificates of customary rights of occupancy (CCROs) in Tanzania improve the perceived or real security of tenure for rural peoples? Author(s): Fairley, Elizabeth Source(s): , 27 p., ill., maps, tabs Published: 2012…
Formal institutions, local arrangements and conflicts in northern Bolivian communities after forest governance reforms
Abstract: Natural resource-based conflicts between community forest management (CFM) and patronage-based management models in response to recent tenure and forestry governance reforms were studied in northern Bolivia. Author(s): Cano Cardona, Walter Source(s): , 225 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2012 Universiteit Utrecht], [Utrecht (English ISBN/ISSN: 978-90-393-5723-1/ Link: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/dissertations/2012-0305-200851/UUindex.html
Land reform and certification in Madagascar : does perception of tenure security matter and change?
Abstract: This article argues that the process of legal empowerment still need to be more inclusive for the poor and discusses ways to reinforce this process without denying the reality of customary land practices. Recent land reform efforts are aimed at the decentralization of land management. Author(s): Burnod, Perrine Source(s): , 35 p., ill., graphs,…
Bringing land rights to grassroots women : creating awareness on socio-legal rights in west Midnapore district of West Bengal, India
Abstract: This video and case study present a project in West Bengal, India, aimed at developing strong socio-legal awareness on land-rights and a sense of gender justice among 300 women from tribal and under-developed rural families. Author(s): Roy, Saswati Source(s): , Universitas forum : journal on human development and international cooperation; Vol. 3, No. 1…
Confrontation between peasant producers and investors in northern Zambézia, Mozambique, in the context of profit pressures on European investors
Abstract: Foreign agricultural investors are clashing with local peasants in Mozambique in a confrontation over agricultural and development models. One large company withdrew rather than take over land, but two other investors chose to push ahead, and have come into conflict with local peasant communities. Author(s): Norfolk, Simon; Hanlon, Joseph Source(s): , 14 p. Published:…
Conflict in Uganda’s land tenure system
Abstract: Uganda’s dualist land tenure system is a root cause of conflict over land use and ownership. The current land tenure laws facilitate land alienation, threaten livelihoods and contribute to food insecurity. The need for reform imposes itself. Author(s): Owaraga, Norah Source(s): , Africa portal backgrounder; 26 9:00 PM Africa portal backgrounder 26 [re-issue] Published:…
Crowdsourcing support of land administration : a partnership approach
Abstract: This paper shows how crowdsourcing can solve the security of tenure gap in slums and other social tenure systems through establishing a partnership between land professionals and citizens that would encourage and support citizens to directly capture and maintain information about their land rights. Author(s): McLaren, Robin Source(s): , 18 p., ill. Published: 2012…