Tag: natural resources
The impact and effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives : a review of the evidence to date : synthesis report
Abstract: This report distils findings from reviews of transparency and accountability initiatives in the areas of public service delivery, budget processes, freedom of information, natural resource governance and aid transparency. Author(s): McGee, Rosemary; Gaventa, John; Barrett, Greg Source(s): , 53 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 University of Sussex]. Institute of development studies (IDS), [Brighton (English…
CBNRM net : the Community-based natural resource management network = das Netzwerk für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen = Gestión comunitaria de los recursos naturales la red = Gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles = Gestão dos recursos naturais em parceria com a comunidade
Abstract: CBNRM Net aims to enhance the role of civil society, participatory approaches, local social organization, and traditional knowledge in connection with managing natural resources. It also provided a broad network interface for the use of the global CBNRM community of practice. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Community based natural resources management (CBNRM), Gaborone (English;…
Community conservation in Namibia : devolution as a tool for the legal empowerment of the poor
Abstract: Namibia‘s successful community-based natural resource programme (CBNRM) is described. It involves devolving use and management rights over wildlife and other resources to local communities (as opposed to local governments), who self-organize into communal conservancies. Author(s): Boudreaux, Karol C. Source(s): , Working paper / Mercatus center, George Mason university; 10-64 [26] p. Working paper /…
Conflict and cooperation in local water governance : inventory of local water-related events in Namwala District, Zambia
Abstract: The Competing for Water Research programme developed a conceptual and methodological framework for developing comprehensive inventories of local water related conflict and cooperation. This report documents results of application of it in Namwala District, Southern Province in Zambia. Author(s): Mweemba, Carol Emma Source(s): , DIIS working paper; 2010/15 64 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs…
Recognising indigenous rights in land use planning governance
Abstract: Established planning texts appoint Indigenous peoples to pre-defined positions and create authority structures that are often grounded in Western legal and political conventions traditions and may not correspond to the governance aspirations or structures of individual Indigenous groups. Author(s): Barry, Janice; Porter, Libby Source(s): , 19 p. draft Published: 2010 University of Warwick, [Coventry…
Rights and resources initiative : supporting forest tenure, policy and market reforms
Abstract: The Rights & Resources Initiative promotes reforms that secure local communities’ and indigenous peoples’ rights to own, control and benefit from land and forests. It aims to double the global forest area under local ownership and administration, with secure rights to use products, by 2015. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Rights and resources initiative…
International forestry resources and institutions
Abstract: The IFRI research initiative examines how governance arrangements affect forests and the people who depend on them. The IFRI network is comprised of 12 Collaborating Research Centers (CRCs) located around the globe. Our goal is to help design and implement improved evidence-based forest policies. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 International forestry resources and institutions…
Looking beyond the obvious : uncovering the features of natural resource conflicts in Uganda
Abstract: Even though most people turn to the local government (a formal institution) for arbitration, customary institutions still play an important role in conflict management, especially for the poorer communities where formal institutions are weak. Author(s): Nkonya, Ephraim; Markelova, Helen; Kato, Edward Source(s): , CAPRi working paper; 95 34 p., ill., tabs CAPRi working paper…
Digital library of The Commons (DLC) repository
Abstract: The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) is a gateway to the international literature on the commons. Author(s): Indiana University Source(s): , Published: 2009 Indiana university, Bloomington (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/
Making decentralized coastal zone management work in Indonesia : case studies of Kabupaten Konawe and Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan
Abstract: This dissertation calls for better understanding of the role of various forms of accountability in decentralized coastal zone management in Indonesia, and its linkage with local-central governance arrangements. Author(s): Siry, Hendra Yusran Source(s): , xxvi, 367 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 Australian national university (ANU), Canberra (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://dspace.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/49360/2/02whole.pdf.pdf