Tag: Nicaragua
Local Governance Assessments
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s Decentralization and Local Governance Network (dlgn) published the paper “Local Governance Assessments: A Capitalization of SDC Experience” in February 2011 to offer guidance on conducting Local Government Assessment (LGA)s in the future. The purpose of the paper is part of the broader Learning Project on Local Governance Assessments,…
Decentralisation and devolution in Nicaragua’s north Atlantic autonomous region : natural resources and indigenous peoples’ rights
Abstract: This paper examines decentralization of natural resources management in Nicaragua and argues that communities continue to lose out under multilevel governance regimes without concerted efforts to level the playing field. Author(s): Larson, Anne M.; Lewis-Mendoza, Jadder Source(s): , International journal of the commons; Vol. 6, No. 2 p. 179-199, ill., map International journal of…
A video report from the Competing for water programme on local conflict and cooperation over water
Abstract: This video filmed in Nicaragua illustrates the magnitude and complexity of water governance which is in many countries the task of district and other local authorities. It is part of a collaborative research Competing for Water programme supported by the Danish Institute for International Studies. Author(s): Rehder, Sten; Gómez, Ligia; Paz, Tania; Ravnborg, Helle…
Results of the innovation plans contest from the learning path
Abstract: The results of the Innovation Plans Contest developed as part of the learning path “Innovative experiences in participatory cartography and legal empowerment as tools to solve conflicts and ensure indigenous and peasant communities´ land rights” in Nicaragua and Guatemala. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 International land coalition (ILC), Rome (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.landcoalition.org/news/results-innovation-plans-contest
Tenure rights and beyond : community access to forest resources in Latin America
Abstract: This paper collects different case studies on the evolving rights of forest groups in relation to access to forests and to the economic benefits such access entails in Latin America. Includes case studies from Guatemala, Bolivia, Brazil, and Nicaragua. Author(s): Larson, Anne M. Source(s): , CIFOR occasional paper; 50 viii, 91 p., ill., maps…
Alignment strategies in the field of decentralisation and local governance : a review of country practices and experiences : Nicaragua : international development partner harmonisation for enhanced aid effectiveness
Abstract: This study reviews experiences and strategies in harmonizing and increasing effectiviness in donor support to decentralization and local governance processes in Nicaragua. It identifies lessons learned and future perspectives. Author(s): Hansen, Finn Source(s): , 39 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 InWEnt]. Development partners working group on local governance and decentralisation (DPWG-LGD), [Bonn (English…
Alignment strategies in the field of decentralisation and local governance : a review of country practices and experiences : international development partner harmonisation for enhanced aid effectiveness : final main report
Abstract: This study summarizes a review of experiences and strategies in harmonizing and increasing effectiveness in donor support to decentralization and local governance processes, providing four case studies. It consolidates the country findings and identifies lessons learned and future perspectives. Author(s): InWEnt Source(s): , iii, [55] p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 InWEnt]. Development partners working…
Women and local democracy : lessons from Central America
Abstract: This publication draws together the experiences and lessons learnt by Central American women working on promoting gender equity in local government. Author(s): Clulow, Michael Source(s): , Building women’s citizenship and governance, Central America [40] p Building women’s citizenship and governance, Central America Published: 2005 One world action etc.], [London etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: 1-898776-54-7/ Link:…
Participation and decentralized forest management : social effects of local government initiatives
Abstract: Though the research from Nicaragua is preliminary, the results suggest a clear correlation between effective participation and the absence of corruption or elite capture by logging companies, but participation alone does not guarantee positive results for resource users. Author(s): Larson, Anne M.; Zeledón, Virginia Source(s): , 29 p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 Indiana university.…