Tag: sanitation
Guidelines for total sanitation programme in Nepal
Abstract: This guideline has been developed for policy makers, planners, donors, local government bodies, and district level line agencies with a broader aim to help implement the promotional actions on hygiene and sanitation as envisaged by the Master Plan on Hygiene and Sanitation in Nepal. Author(s): Source(s): , iii, 57 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010…
Improving district level leadership on sanitation and hygiene in Uganda
Abstract: A Learning for Policy and Practice in Sanitation and Hygiene (LeaPPS) programme was launched in Uganda to develop local stakeholders’ capacities to set performance targets, monitor and analyse their achievements and be innovative in their approaches. Author(s): Silva Wells, Carmen Da; Turyareeba, Patience; Mommen, Brecht Source(s): , [3] p., ill. Published: 2009 IRC international…
Ministry of local governance and housing website
Abstract: The Ministry of Local Government and Housing of Zambia is charged with the administration of the local government system. Among its functions are: chiefs’ affairs, water supply and sanitation, municipal infrastructure services and support services, and provision of feeder, community and urban roads. Author(s): Zambia Source(s): , Published: 2009 Ministry of local governance and…
Improving the provision of basic services for the poor in fragile environments : water supply, sanitation and hygiene international literature review
Abstract: This paper constitutes a literature review of the international practice and experience in supporting pro-poor service provision in fragile states, focusing on multilateral and bilateral donors’ approaches to the water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Author(s): Welle, Katharina Source(s): , 30 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 Overseas development institute (ODI). Humanitarian policy group…
Water services fault lines : an assessment of South Africa’s water and sanitation provision across 15 municipalities
Abstract: The key impediments to water services delivery at the local level in South Africa were ascertained. The report, based on interviews conducted at 15 municipalities across the country, identifies nine cross-cutting ‘fault lines’, which reflect systemic obstacles to the provision of water services. Author(s): Tissington, Kate Source(s): , iv, 78 p., ill., graphs, tabs…
Rural drinking water and sanitation
Abstract: The status of water supply and sanitation in rural India is explored and the milestones achieved through decentralization of this sector is examined. The role of NGOs, CBOs, and panchayats in promoting water and sanitation is evaluated through case studies. Author(s): Bapat, Jyotsna Source(s): , p. 210-225, ill., graph, tabs Published: 2007 Oxford university…
Strengthening capacity for local WASH governance
Abstract: This briefing note looks at ways that decentralized bodies can be strengthened to carry out their new functions better, so that people gain access to safe water and sanitation services. Author(s): McIntyre, Peter Source(s): , 8 p., ill. Published: 2006 IRC international water and sanitation centre, Delft (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.irc.nl/redir/content/download/28952/302264/file/001_Capacity%20development.pdf
The effects of decentralisation and privatisation on urban environmental management : waste management in the Accra metropolitan area
Abstract: This study deals with new institutional arrangements for solid waste management in Accra, Ghana. It was carried out with the aim of making clear how government’s decentralization and privatization policies affect the practices and performance of service providers. Author(s): Obirih-Opareh, Nelson Source(s): , NIRP research for policy series; 22 62 p., ill., 21 cm…
Lessons from experiences in decentralising infrastructure & service delivery in rural areas : (Uganda case study)
Abstract: The outcomes of innovations in infrastructure service delivery in rural Uganda as introduced by a District Development Programme in the sectors of health, education, water and sanitation, rural roads and agriculture are evaluated. Author(s): Onyach-Olaa , Martin Source(s): , xi, 53 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2003 Asian development bank (ADB)], [Manila (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Lessons on strengthening capacity
Abstract: Podcasts of 5-10 minute interviews with sector professionals sharing the lessons that they have learned on strengthening capacity for local governance in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The participants are from Uganda, Ghana, Nepal, and Bolivia. Folder also contains text summaries. Author(s): IRC [International Reference Centre For Community Water Supply And Sanitation] Source(s): ,…