Tag: water supply
Overview on management patterns in community, private and hybrid management in rural water supply
Abstract: The sustainability of rural water supply remains evasive. Community management models, private management models, and hybrid models are reviewed to provide a basis for the selection of the most appropriate management model. Author(s): Kamruzzaman, A.K.M.; Said, Ilias; Osman, Omar Source(s): , Journal of sustainable development; Vol. 6, No. 5 p. 26-36, ill., tab Journal…
From supply to demand driven water governance : challenging pathways to safe water access in rural Uganda : paper
Abstract: Since the implementation of the demand-driven approach in Uganda in the early 1990s, rural safe water coverage has slightly improved but maintenance of water sources still poses a great challenge. This is partly due competing signals from old and new policies. Author(s): Naiga, Resty; Penker, Marianne; Hogl, Karl Source(s): , 22 p., ill., graphs…
Transnational research : decentralization in west and central Africa : learning from local and intersector lessons : education, water, health : summary report of case studies
Abstract: A study was conducted in West and Central Africa to study the impact of decentralization on the transfer of powers and resources and on the management of basic services, in particular water, education and health. The grassroots management committees are deemed functional on the whole. PDF file link Author(s): Malam Moussa, Laouli; Ilboudo, Ernest…
An efficiency analysis of basic service provision in South African local government (2006/7 to 2008/9)
Abstract: The effectiveness and efficiency with which municipalities have provided (Reconstruction and Development Program) RDP water, sanitation, electricity, and refuse removal was evaluated for 231 disadvantaged local municipalities and 46 district municipalities in South Africa. Author(s): Van Der Westhuizen, G.; Dollery, B.; Grant, B. Source(s): , TD : The Journal for transdisciplinary research in Southern…
Rural water development in sub-Saharan Africa : a comparative study between Uganda and Tanzania
Abstract: One of the recommendations of this study is that In a country where the government takes responsibility for basic water services, such as Uganda, NGOs need to work through local government, even if it can be slow and at times frustrating. Author(s): De Cecco, Paola Source(s): , Master’s theses; paper 4228SJSU scholar works xii,…
Providing public goods : local responses to policy incoherence and state failure in Niger
Abstract: In Niger, as in most African countries, the implementation of public policies poses enormous challenges. Local initiatives to plug the gaps are usually informal. Engaging with local informal initiatives and helping them to become institutionalized would be a better strategy than ignoring them. Author(s): Olivier De Sardan, Jean-Pierre Source(s): , Policy brief / Africa…
Citizen charters : enhancing service delivery through accountability : dealing with governance and corruption risks in project lending
Abstract: Introduced by the United Kingdom in the early 1990s, CCs are now being used in a wide range of countries — including the United States, Kenya, India, Jamaica, and Mexico — to improve the quality of service delivery and enhance public sector management. Author(s): Post, David; Agarwal, Sanjay Source(s): , How-to notes 17 p.,…
Supporting improved water services : national municipal benchmarking initiative
Abstract: Local Government Water Services Authorities in South Africa have contributed significantly towards increased access to basic and improved water services. The benchmarking initiative builds local and international learning,and seeks to use benchmarking for further improvements. Author(s): Moraka, William Source(s): , IMESA; March p. 79, ill IMESA March Published: 2012 Sabinet], [Guateng etc. (English ISBN/ISSN:…
An assessment of the strategies adopted by Adamawa state government towards achieving Millennium development goals (MDGs) in water supply
Abstract: The paper assesses the various strategies adopted by Adamawa state government in ameliorating conditions of water supply in the state with a view to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It is shown that success rests on the good co-operation between state and local governments. Author(s): Adewusi, Olusegun Adegoke Source(s): , International journal of business…
Decentralized cooperation and management of urban services in southern countries : an application on water supply services in Senegal
Abstract: Institutional economics and collective action theories are used to show that a new urban water supply model based on decentralized cooperation and a strengthening of local authorities capabilities is the only way to improve access at low prices, especially for poor urban dwellers. Author(s): Cissé, Arona Source(s): , 6 p. Published: 2011 Hyper articles…