Tag: accountability
Guidebook on decentralisation and local government in Malawi
Abstract: This guidebook provides information on decentralization in Malawi. Subjects include: finance, infrastructure, services, national government, municipal and local government, democracy. community participation, local governance, participatory planning, transparency, and accountability. Author(s): Ott, Nicola; Dikani, Tofara Source(s): , vi, 62 p., ill., map Published: 2005 Malawi-German programme for democracy and decentralisation (MGPDD), Lilongwe (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Lessons learned on the use of power and drivers of change analyses in development co-operation : review commissioned by the OECD DAC network on governance (GOVNET) : final report
Abstract: Power and DOC analysis addresses the traditional donor problem of ‘political will’ and its impact on national policies and development processes that promote accountability, participation, transparency, equality in dignity and rights of the poor and marginalized groups. Author(s): Dahl-Østergaard, Tom Source(s): , 42 p., ill., tabs Published: 2005 Organisation for economic co-operation and development…
Stocktacking of social accountability initiatives in the Asia and Pacific region
Abstract: The findings of a stocktaking exercise of social accountability approaches and initiatives in the Asia and Pacific region are summarized. The report looks specifically at the tools, mechanisms, and activities that were used to improve governments’ accountability in relation to selected initiatives. Author(s): Arroyo, Dennis; Sirker, Karen Source(s): , vi, 39 p., ill., tabs…
Local government accountability
Abstract: The “Local government accountability” tool can be used in situations of decentralization where new powers have been delegated without adequate thought to the roles, responsibilities and capacities of the authorities at local level. It raises the awareness of local communities. Author(s): Kafakoma, Robert Source(s): , Power tools 31 p., ill Power tools Published: 2005…
Building democratic institutions : governance reform in developing countries
Abstract: [Partial preview] Over the past decades, good governance came to be seen as transparent, representative, accountable, and participatory. The most successful experiments in decentralization have mobilized the support of political, governmental, and civic leaders to sustain governance reforms. Author(s): Cheema, G. Shabbir Source(s): , [275] p., ill. Published: 2005 Kumarian, Bloomfield, CT (English ISBN/ISSN:…
The world we could win : administering global governance
Abstract: The history and definition of governance are reviewed and the implementation of good governance at the local level is contrasted with the complexities of good governance at the global level. The importance of proportionality and subsidiarity in realizing openness, participation etc. is emphasized. Author(s): Fraser-Moleketi, Geraldine Joslyn Source(s): , xxxiii, 177 p. Published: 2005…
Decentralization without accountability : power and authority over local forest governance in Indonesia
Abstract: The decentralization of forest resource management authority to local governments in Indonesia has resulted in a situation in which district governments are neither accountable upward to the central government nor downward to the local people. Author(s): Djogo, Tony; Syaf, Rudi Source(s): , 17 p. Published: 2004 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons (DLC),…
The challenges of decentralisation design in Cambodia
Abstract: Since 2001, Cambodia has embarked on its decentralization reform but a number of challenges remain, including the risk of bureaucratization, lack of accountability, the lack of linkage between decentralization and deconcentration, and the lack of capacity building and peer learning between communes. Author(s): Rusten, Caroline Source(s): , Monograph / Cambodia development resource institute; 1…
Building and reinventing decentralised governance (BRiDGE) : project document
Abstract: The UNDP-sponsored BRiDGE initiative in Indonesia aims to improve public service through more interactive governance and to strengthen public monitoring of government through better access to information. Its actions have focused on schools and community health centers. Author(s): Source(s): , [53] p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 United nations development programme (UNDP) etc.], [New York,…
Decentralization and local government in Bolivia : an overview from the bottom up
Abstract: In this paper, dr. Jean-Paul Faguet of the London School of Economics draws general lessons from his insights on decentralization and popular democracy in Bolivia. The preconditions for democratic, accountable, informed, and economically sensitive governance are identified. Author(s): Faguet, Jean-Paul Source(s): , Crisis states programme working papers; 29LSE research online : working paper 52…