Tag: africa south of sahara
Documents & reports
Abstract: A bibliographic database of policy papers, project documents, reviews, evaluations, and brochures on local development in UNCDF supported countries. Author(s): UNCDF Source(s): , Published: 2010 United nations capital development fund (UNCDF), New York, NY (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.uncdf.org/en/media-center
Governing the public shere : civil society regulation in Africa : introduction
Abstract: This is the introductory chapter to “(Dis) enabling the public sphere: civil society regulation in Africa (Volume 1)”, a book on the regulatory environment under which civil society operates in Africa. The book focuses on civil society-state relations, existing NGO laws, and NGO policies. Author(s): Moyo, Bhekinkosi Source(s): , 24 p. Published: 2010 Southern…
Towards a theory of local governance and public goods’ provision in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract: This working paper under the Africa Power and Politics Programme (APPP) provides a mid-term report on a multi-country research effort to shed light on the institutional sources of variation in public goods’ provision at the sub-national level. Author(s): Booth, David Source(s): , APPP working paper; 13 41 p APPP working paper 13 Published: 2010…
Building capacity for local government to perform
Abstract: This paper looks at the practitioner’s challenge of building capacity for local government to perform. Five elements that constitute this challenge are identified. They represent the building blocks for local government’s successful performance. Author(s): McGill, Ronald Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG); 6 p. 90-106, ill., tabs Commonwealth journal of local governance…
Is decentralization glue of solvent for national unity?
Abstract: The very mixed stories of linkages between decentralization and national unity that emerge in a wide variety of countries around the world are reviewed with special emphasis on the actual or potential problem of secessionist tendencies. Author(s): Bird, Richard; Vaillancourt, François; Roy-César, Édison Source(s): , International studies program : working paper; 10-03 41 p.,…
Introduction to the Mwananchi programme : strengthening citizen engagement
Abstract: The Programme Director explains how the project will bring together media, civil society organisations (CSOs) and elected representatives to create ‘coalitions of change’ and strengthen citizen engagement in seven African countries. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , 2.55 min., ill. Published: 2010 Overseas development institute (ODI)]. Mwananchi programme, [London etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEHuof1ClA
Mwananchi : strengthening citizen engagement
Abstract: The Mwananchi Programme promotes local governance issues to strengthen citizens’ voices and improve governance and accountability in Africa. The programme works in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Southern Sudan, Uganda and Zambia. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Overseas development institute (ODI)]. Mwananchi programme, [London etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.mwananchi-africa.org/
Strengthening citizen demand for good governance in the African context
Abstract: The conceptual foundations for action research to strengthen citizen engagement with the African state and improve governance are presented. The Mwananchi programme works to enhance political leverage for citizens as they engage with their governments at different levels. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Working paper / Mwananchi programme, Overseas development institute; 1 vii, 41…
Citizen perceptions of local government responsiveness in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract: This paper examines local government performance from the perspective of ordinary people, with special attention to questions of responsiveness, representation and accountability. The results both confirm and challenge conventional wisdom. Author(s): Bratton, Michael Source(s): , Afrobarometer working papers; 119 ii, 28 p., ill., tabs Afrobarometer working papers 119 Published: 2010 The Institute for democracy…
Building bridges between the state & the people : an overview of UNDP’s recent and current interventions in public administration and local governance in Africa
Abstract: Author(s): Keuleers, Patrick Source(s): , 36 p. Published: 2010 United nations development programme (UNDP), New York, NY (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://content.undp.org/go/cms-service/download/publication/?version=live&id=2672816