Tag: community participation
Strengthening intra municipal decentralisation through physical accessibility of services and openness in service delivery : the case of Morogoro municipal council
Abstract: The accessibility of offices and openness of communication of municipal or neighborhood decentralization services was examined in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Suggested improvements include: better housing, meeting schedules, community participation, training, and transport allowances. Author(s): Lameck, Wilfred Uronu Source(s): , Journal of public administration and policy research; Vol. 3, No. 5 p. 141-155, ill Journal…
Rapid feedback : the role of community scorecards in improving service delivery : dealing with governance and corruption risks in project lending
Abstract: Community Score Card initiatives are typified by a number of common characteristics including: the use of a simple and low cost implementation framework; promoting community ownership and empowerment; and providing service providers with direct feedback. Author(s): Post, David; Agarwal, Sanjay; Venugopal, Varsha Source(s): , How-to notes 16 p., ill., tabs How-to notes Published: 2011…
Decentralized cooperation and management of urban services in southern countries : an application on water supply services in Senegal
Abstract: Institutional economics and collective action theories are used to show that a new urban water supply model based on decentralized cooperation and a strengthening of local authorities capabilities is the only way to improve access at low prices, especially for poor urban dwellers. Author(s): Cissé, Arona Source(s): , 6 p. Published: 2011 Hyper articles…
Community operations manual (COM) : guidelines for LEAP field implementation
Abstract: This manual for enabling poor people to organize themselves aims to ensure that all operational activities carried out by the project’s beneficiaries and facilitators will be carried out using a process that is transparent to all participants. Author(s): Ngy Chanphal, H.E. Source(s): , viii, 183 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2011 Livelihood enhancement…
‘Tips and tricks’ of participatory land-use planning in Lao PDR : towards a land zoning negotiation support platform
Abstract: As alternative to complex ‘high-tech’ LUP models that local stakeholders are not able to use and replicate, a communication platform supporting negotiations among multiple stakeholders groups has been tested in a village cluster of Luang Prabang Province in northern Laos. Author(s): Bourgoin, Jeremy Source(s): , 18 p., ill., maps, tabs Published: 2011 Colorado state…
Rights, responsibilities and resources : examining community forestry in south Asia
Abstract: This paper shows that decentralized management of forests can reduce forest loss in developing countries. It also suggests that clarity over rights, local monitoring and recognition of differences in intra-community needs are issues that require policy support to meet livelihood expectations. Author(s): Shyamsundar, Priya; Ghate, Rucha Source(s): , SANDEE working papers; WP 59-11 16…
CBNRM net : the Community-based natural resource management network = das Netzwerk für die gemeinschaftliche Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen = Gestión comunitaria de los recursos naturales la red = Gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles = Gestão dos recursos naturais em parceria com a comunidade
Abstract: CBNRM Net aims to enhance the role of civil society, participatory approaches, local social organization, and traditional knowledge in connection with managing natural resources. It also provided a broad network interface for the use of the global CBNRM community of practice. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Community based natural resources management (CBNRM), Gaborone (English;…
Governing Africa’s forests in a globalized world
Abstract: sl276slmult1In 2008, a workshop on forest governance and decentralization in Africa was held in Durban, South Africa, with the aim to support African decision-makers at diverse levels to better leverage governance transitions for the benefit of forest communities and society at large. Author(s): German, Laura A.; Karsenty, Alain; Tiani, Anne-Marie Source(s): , Earthscan forest…
Participation & development from the perspective of the poor : synthesis report : Planact research study 2008-2009
Abstract: This report addresses questions related to the participation of poor communities. Does participation slow down delivery? What are the invisible costs associated with non-participation? What kind of participation do communities desire? What is a successful participatory approach? Author(s): Himlin, Rebecca Source(s): , 34 p., ill., map, tabs Published: 2010 Planact, Braamfontein (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Social accountability in Africa : practitioners’ experiences and lessons
Abstract: This publication is a knowledge resource to support policy-makers, public policy practitioners, law-makers, public institutions, – managers, the scientific community, civil society, donors, development agencies and all those concerned with the ‘governance-accountability’ nexus in Africa. Author(s): Claasen, Mario; Alpín-Lardiés, Carmen Source(s): , viii, 224 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 Institute for democracy in…