Tag: information networks
Land portal : the gateway to land information = la passerelle à l’information foncière
Abstract: The Land Portal is an easy access, easy-to-use platform to share land related information, to monitor trends, and identify information gaps to promote effective and sustainable land governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 International land coalition (ILC), Rome (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://landportal.info/
DELGO’SEA : partnership for democratic local governance in Southeast-Asia
Abstract: DELGOSEA was launched in 2010 to create a network for the replication of success stories in local governance between cities and municipalities within Southeast Asia. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Democratic local governance in Southeast-Asia (DELGO’SEA), Manila (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.delgosea.eu/cms/
UTS: CLG Centre for local government
Abstract: The Centre promotes a cooperative approach to local government education, research and development, and maintains close ties with a large number of local government associations, professional institutes and academic bodies in Australia, the Asia-Pacific and globally. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 University of technology Sydney (UTS). Centre for local government (CLG), Sydney (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Participatory local democracy : a global community of practice
Abstract: The Hunger Project is working in partnership with the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF) on a two-year project to cultivate a global community of practice among individuals working to build capacity for effective, responsive governance in impoverished rural areas using community scorecards. Author(s): UNDEF Source(s): , Published: 2012 United nations democracy fund] (UNDEF). The hunger…
FAGLAF : Forum d’action pour la gouvernance locale en Afrique francophone
Abstract: The Local Government Action Forum for Francophone Africa (FAGLAF) was established to promote research in decentralization and local government issues and to foster capacity building through peer-to-peer learning, training programs, and knowledge dissemination. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Forum d’action pour la gouvernance locale en Afrique francophone (FAGLAF), Dakar (French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.faglaf.info/
Uganda local government association
Abstract: The main thrust of the ULGA lies in providing good and effective services to the members. In this respect, the Association has provided legal and planning services on demand to members. In addition, the Association has managed to run its own information dissemination programmes. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Uganda local government association (ULGA),…
PAR : regional learning program : strengthening public policy and local governance for poverty reduction
Abstract: The PAR is a Latin American local governance knowledge management project aimed at sub-national governments and civic organizations to design and implement poverty alleviation policies and programs. It also supports regional learning and exchange mechanisms. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Impact alliance, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.impactalliance.org/ev_en.php?ID=12540_201&ID2=DO_TOPIC
The Center for people and forests (RECOFTC)
Abstract: RECOFTC is an international organization with a vision of local communities actively managing forests in Asia and the Pacific to ensure optimal social, economic, and environmental benefits. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 The Center for people and forests (RECOFTC), Bangkok (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.recoftc.org/site/
Governance & decentralization (GoD)
Abstract: Governance and Decentralization (GoD) is an online Eldis Community Group for good governance and decentralization research and information. It provides access to governance and decentralization research and information to improve practice, decision-making, and research in developing countries. Author(s): IDS Source(s): , Published: 2011 University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS). Eldis, Brighton (English…
Centre of excellence for local governance : detailed project report
Abstract: A detailed project report was prepared for the proposed National Institute of Panchayati Raj (NIPR) as an apex Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Local Governance. The CoE should aim to become a repository of local governance knowledge, while helping Panchayats to delivering on development goals. Author(s): Source(s): , vii, 101 p., ill., tabs Published:…