Tag: decentralization in government
Guide for monitoring, evaluation and joint analyses of pluralistic extension support
Abstract: In the context of a discussion of institutional arrangements for extension as outlined in the “Common Framework on Agricultural Extension”, a number of questions are raised with regard to the extent that decentralization may have advanced the Neuchatel agenda of extension reform. Author(s): Christoplos, Ian; Kidd, Andrew Source(s): , 24 p., ill., 24 cm…
Decentralisation and poverty reduction : elaborating the linkages
Abstract: The contribution of decentralization to poverty reduction is examined and the added value of local governments in poverty reduction strategies is assessed, using cases from Ethiopia, Guinea and Mozambique. Author(s): Bossuyt, Jean; Gould, Jeremy Source(s): , Policy management brief; 12 8:00 PM Policy management brief 12 Published: 2000 European centre for development policy management…
Decentralization, democratization, and liberalization : the history of revenue sharing in Argentina, 1934-1999
Abstract: This paper evaluates two hypotheses about the causes of decentralization in Latin America: (1) as a response to the wave of democratization that began in the 1980s; and (2) to the broader liberalization of economic development strategies. Author(s): Eaton, Kent Source(s): , 23 p., ill., graphs, tabs draft Published: 2000 University of Pittsburgh. Latin…
Making decentralization accountable : a framework for analysis and empirical studies from south Asia and west Africa : paper submitted to Comparative politics
Abstract: A framework for examining the degree to which decentralizations are being carried out is described. Most decentralization efforts end up without increasing much the powers of local authorities or peoples. Since 1917, francophone West Africa has seen at least four distinct waves. Author(s): Agrawal, Arun; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 66 p. Published: 2000…
Enhancing participation in local governance : experiences from the Philippines
Abstract: This source book on decentralization, devolution, participation and governance shares results in public sector reform and highlights successful experiences in health service delivery, natural resources management and the promotion of local economic development. Author(s): Mercaida, Enrique G. Source(s): , 197 p., ill., tabs Published: 2000 International institute of rural reconstruction (IIRR) [etc.], Silang [etc.]…
Decentralization and democratic local governance programming handbook
Abstract: This handbook serves as a practical guide to USAID officers who are faced with the task of developing program activities in the areas of decentralization and democratic local governance. It provides a conceptual framework and guidance for choosing successful programming strategies. Author(s): Bland, Gary Source(s): , Technical publication series 70 p., ill., tabs Technical…
Aladin : Association for law and administration in developing and transition countries
Abstract: Under its 3-year programme, ALADIN has looked at the policy theories and actual practice of decentralized NRM. It has also investigated in what way local governments can shape environmental governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2000 Aladin secretariat, Leiden (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://aladinweb.org/
From centralized to decentralized governance
Abstract: It is argued that decentralization should be based on a coherent, explicit, and stable set of rules. These rules need to encompass: the division of political power; the functions of subnational governments; and the electoral rules and political institutions for local politics. Author(s): Dillinger, William; Fay, Marianne Source(s): F & D : finance and…
The political economy of democratic decentralization
Abstract: This report examines the origins and implications decentralization from a political economy perspective, with a focus on its promise and limitations. It identifies conditions needed for decentralization to succeed and suggests ways in which decentralization can promote rural development. Author(s): Manor, James Source(s): , Directions in development x, 133 p., 23 cm Directions in…