Tag: institutional infrastructure
Role of citizen community boards in promoting participatory development in Muzaffargarh district, Pakistan
Abstract: The performance of Citizen Community Boards (CCBs) in Pakistan is examined, using the case of Muzaffargarh District. The link between community participation in projects and the level of satisfaction is highlighted. Impediments to the proper functioning of CCBs in development are identified. Author(s): Khan, Sara; Anjum, Ghulam Abbas Source(s): , Pakistan journal of engineering…
Institutional impacts of the local government reform program on good local governance in Tanzania
Abstract: The anti-corruption strategies and the local government reform program (LGRP) in Tanzania are analysed, based on their main policy goals as well as impacts on the overall institutional performance of local institutions in Tanzania. Structural concerns and “institutional shortfalls” are highlighted. Author(s): Mgonja, Boniface E.S.; Tundui, Charles Source(s): , International journal of academic research…
BTC : Belgian development agency
Abstract: BTC advises and supports central and local authorities. Several aspects are dealt with: developing a coherent institutional framework, developing partner capacities, drawing up local development plans, organizing local tax systems, and providing investment budgets. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Belgian development agency (BTC), Brussels (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.btcctb.org/en/theme/decentralisation
IFLEA : Institutions for forest resource and livelihood management in east African forest landscapes
Abstract: The objective of IFLEA is to strengthen research capacities to better understand the role of institutions and institutional change for sustainable natural resource management and livelihoods in East African forest landscapes, specifically Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Institutions for forest resource and livelihood management in east African forest landscapes…
Mapping police services in the Democratic republic of Congo : institutional interactions at central, provincial and local levels
Abstract: This paper examines the roles, responsibilities and interactions between the various formal and informal institutions and stakeholders involved in the management of police services in the DRC. It identifies informal networks that influence decision-making processes and policy implementation. Author(s): Nlandu, Thierry Mayamba Source(s): , IDS research report; 71 103 p., ill., tabs IDS research…
Decentralization and good governance in Africa : institutional challenges to Uganda’s local governments
Abstract: This paper explored the local governments’ institutional challenges to good governance in Uganda. It shows that citizens’ level of involvement and dynamism to effectively engage local governments, and lack of timely adequate information, greatly limits their participation. Author(s): Kiwanuka, Michael Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local government studies (JAALGS); Vol. 1, No.…
CIPEC : Center for the study of institutions, population and environmental change
Abstract: CIPEC studies processes of change in forest environments as mediated by institutional arrangements, demographic factors, and other major human driving forces. CIPEC activities include interdisciplinary training and research. Its focus is on the Western Hemisphere. Author(s): Indiana University Source(s): , Published: 2011 Indiana university, Bloomington, IN [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.indiana.edu/~cipec/
The application of public asset management in Indonesian local government : a case study in south Sulawesi province
Abstract: The problems faced by local government in applying a public asset management framework were examined, using a case from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. They include the absence of an institutional and legal framework, the non-profit principle of public assets, and the non-availability of data. Author(s): Hanis, Muhammad Hasbi; Trigunarsyah, Bambang; Susilawati, Connie Source(s): , Journal…
Bringing women into local governance : a review of enabling mechanisms in South Africa
Abstract: This article assesses South Africa’s progress in establishing a constitutional and legislative framework for engaging women in participatory democracy. Recommendations are made to ensure that more poor women are engaged in local decision-making. Author(s): Hicks, Janine Source(s): , Community development journal; Vol. 46, No. 3 p. 351-364 Community development journal Vol. 46, No. 3…
Challenges and opportunities for collaborative landscape governance in the east Usambara mountains, Tanzania
Abstract: The workings of the governance of natural resources at local and district levels was studied in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, in order to strengthen collaboration between the actors and institutions at these levels. Author(s): Rantala, Salla Source(s): , Working paper / ICRAF; 127Working paper / CIFOR; 61 iv, 75 p., ill., graphs, maps,…