Tag: elite
Accountability of local and state governments in India : an overview of recent research
Abstract: Distortions in Indian local government accountability are examined, including: (1) limited voter participation and awareness; (2) ideology, honesty and competence of political parties and electoral candidates; (3) capture by elites; and (4) clientelism and vote-buying. Reform lessons are drawn. Author(s): Mookherjee, Dilip Source(s): , 49 p. Published: 2012 Boston university. People.by.edu], [Boston (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Titling against grabbing? : critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in southeast Asia : paper
Abstract: This paper draws on land titling experience in several South-East Asian countries to illustrate some of the problems and the ways in which land titling is understood by different actors vis-a-vis issues of security of tenure. Author(s): Hirsch, Philip Source(s): , 17 p. Published: 2011 Erasmus university Rotterdam (EUR). International institute of social studies…
Public service transformation : implications for poverty reduction in South Africa
Abstract: The author questions the relationship between the poor and institutions transformed by the NPM (New Public Management) paradigm with its emphasis on service delivery. For effective poverty alleviation, elite capture must be countered by the conscious promotion of community governance. Author(s): Mubangizi, B.C. Source(s): , Politeia; Vol. 30, No. 3 p. 74-90 Politeia Vol.…
The African national congress and local democracy : the role of the ANC branch in Manzini-Mbombela : a report on a research project presented to The Discipline of sociology, School of social sciences, Faculty of humanities, University of the Witwatersrand
Abstract: This paper analyses the effect of the African National Congress (ANC) local organization at branch level on local democracy. Internal party politics, often dominated by elites, have a strong bearing on local elections, since the branch chairperson is often an automatic candidate as a councillor. Author(s): Malabela, Musawenkosi Hemelton Source(s): , 115 p. Published:…
The political economy of decentralization in Thailand : does decentralization allow for peasant participation? : paper
Abstract: The apparent interdependence of decentralisation and smallholder participation is studied, using the case of the Tambon Administration Organisation in Thailand. Since 1990, decentralization and recentralization have alternated. Elite capture and the bureaucracy prevented effective particaption. Author(s): Dufhues, Thomas Source(s): , 12 p., ill. Published: 2011 University of Minnesota. Waite library. AgEcon search], [St. Paul,…
Participatory development reconsidered
Abstract: Evidence shows that civil participation in decentralization works only marginally, with pro-poor results in poorer, more unequal and remote communities generally lacking. This article identifies some conditions for successful localized pro-poor programme design. Author(s): Mansuri, Ghazala; Rao, Vijayendra Source(s): , Development outreach; special report p. 64-69, ill Development outreach special report Published: 2011 World…
Endogenous institution in decentralization : on the definition and domain of peace economics, papers in honor of Walter Isard
Abstract: The author develops a model, in which the positive or negative welfare outcome of decentralization is the result of the interplay among a set of variables including local capture, participation, initial conditions, budget size, and quality of local leader. Author(s): Azis, Iwan J. Source(s): , Peace economics, peace science and public policy; Vol. 16,…
Political capture of decentralization : vote-buying through grants-financed local jurisdictions
Abstract: Donors should strengthen strategies that focus on institutional and governance interventions to undercut patronage incentives and enable voters to mobilize to demand broad public services. Author(s): Khemani, Stuti Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 5350 35 p., ill., tabs Policy research working paper 5350 Published: 2010 World bank, [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: [1813-9450]/ Link:…
Decentralisation, democracy and allocation of poverty alleviation programmes in rural India
Abstract: A study of the effect of devolution on poverty alleviation programmes in Indian villages at household level indicates that the resources were captured by the local elite after decentralization, that is, decentralization did not necessarily contribute to the improvement of the welfare of the poor. Author(s): Sato, Takahiro; Imai, Katsushi S. Source(s): , BWPI…