Tag: Fiscal policy
Fiscal decentralization and deficits : international evidence
Abstract: This paper shows that both expenditure and revenue decentralization have significant negative relationships with deficits. Also, it appears more prudent to advise revenue decentralization rather than expenditure decentralization in cases of high ethnolinguistic fractionalization. Author(s): Neyapti, Bilin Source(s): , 23 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2008 Bilkent university, [Ankara (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~economics/papers/08-02%20DP_BilinNeyapti.pdf
Sequencing fiscal decentralization
Abstract: Generally, countries do not follow the optimal sequencing for decentralization policies and implementation. The gap between theory and practice is a result of the complexity of sequencing design, which discourages fiscal planners. Proper sequencing requires discipline and vision. Author(s): Bahl, Roy; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 3914 45 p., ill., tabs…
Decentralization and development : emerging issues from Uganda’s experience
Abstract: The role of decentralization in development is illustrated by highlighting some key background information about Uganda’s decentralization, discuss its achievements and challenges, and conclude with a few questions arising from the challenges. Author(s): Okidi, John Alphonse; Guloba, Madina Source(s): , Occasional paper / Economic policy research centre; 31 19 p., ill., tabs Occasional paper…
Financing local service delivery for the MDGs : challenges and opportunities : workshop report
Abstract: In December 2005, a regional workshop was held in New Delhi, India, to discuss how to most effectively and efficiently decentralize delivery responsibilities in the key MDG-related sectors. Author(s): UNDP; UNCDF Source(s): , 19, 15 p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 United nations development programme] (UNDP) [etc., [New York, NY etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Assessing the impact of devolution on healthcare and education in Pakistan
Abstract: This report assesses the progress and challenges of effective and efficient service delivery in the health, education, and water sectors, local fiscal roles and responsibilities, and local government accountability and citizen participation under devolution in Pakistan since 2001. Author(s): Nayyar-Stone, Ritu; Hatry, Harry; Peterson, George Source(s): , [58] p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 Urban…
Governance gone local : does decentralization improve accountability?
Abstract: This chapter discusses five key governance risks that could mitigate the posited advantages of decentralization: capture, clientelism, capacity constraints, competition over the balance of power between levels of government, and weaknesses in effective interregional competition. Author(s): Campos, Jose Edgardo; Hellman, Joel S. Source(s): East Asia decentralizes : making local government work, p. 237-252, ill.,…
Decentralization and service delivery
Abstract: This paper provides a framework that explains both why decentralization can generate substantial improvements in service delivery, and why it often falls short of this promise. Strong relationships of accountability between the actors in the service delivery chain are emphasized. Author(s): Ahmad, Junaid Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 3603 27 p., ill Policy…
Decentralisation and poverty reduction
Abstract: This Policy Insight highlights key determinants Author(s): Jütting, Johannes; Corsi, Elena; Stockmayer, Albrecht Source(s): , Policy insights / Organisation for economic co-operation and development; 5 6 p., ill., graphs, tabs Policy insights / Organisation for economic co-operation and development 5 Published: 2005 Organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD). Development centre, Issy-les-Moulineaux (English ISBN/ISSN:…
The relevance of the decentralization literature for fiscal policy design
Abstract: An historical Islamic perspective on fiscal aspects of decentralization is developed and the current literature on the design principles of fiscal decentralization is reviewed. Author(s): Zilal Hamzah, Muhammad Source(s): , Jurnal ekonomi Malaysia; 38 p. 125-139 Jurnal ekonomi Malaysia 38 Published: 2004 Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ukm.my/fep/jem/pdf/2004-38/jeko_38-6.pdf