Tag: information systems
Monitoring tenure security within the continuum of land rights : methods and practices : paper
Abstract: The article presents a methodology for operationalizing the concept of a continuum of tenure security. Three levels are distinguished: individual or household, community or settlement, and legal and policy. It shows there is more than one route to achieving tenure security. Author(s): Sietchiping, Remy Source(s): , 19 p., ill. Published: 2012 [United nations human…
Increasing tenure security in northern Uganda : how to use external support for strengthening bottom up approaches
Abstract: This paper presents innovative land rights documentation in northern Uganda, where customary tenure systems prevail. These include documenting transactions, demarcation of field boundaries and using Certificates of Customary Ownership, Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms and legal literacy. Author(s): Zevenbergen, Jaap; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nsamba-Gayiiya, Eddie Source(s): , 21 p. Published: 2012 World bank, Washington, DC…
Enabling participatory planning with GIS : a case study of settlement mapping in Cuttack, India
Abstract: Global Positioning Systems (GPS) was used to map informal settlements in Cuttack, India, involving community leaders and NGO staff. The process facilitated dialogue between slum dwellers and local government around “slum” upgrading. Author(s): Livengood, Avery; Kunte, Keya Source(s): , Environment and urbanization; vol. 24, no. 1 p. 77-97, ill., maps Environment and urbanization vol.…
Land matrix : the online public database on land deals
Abstract: Land Matrix is an online database which provides a summary of total land deals by region. Any user can submit details of a deal and help in improving the richness and accuracy of the database. The information provided is filtered and cross-checked by the partnership before it is made public. Author(s): Source(s): , Published:…