Tag: Local Government
Towards participatory local governance : six propositions for discussion
Abstract: The author raises critical question by posing six propositions, e.g. on the need to construct new relationships between ordinary people and government institutions and on the need to re-conceptualize the meanings of participation and citizenship in relationship to local governance. Author(s): Gaventa, John Source(s): , Currents / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet; 28 p. 29-35, ill Currents…
Constraints and perspectives on democracy in Mozambique : report on NiZA conference, The Hague, February 1, 2002
Abstract: In 2002, a conference about the constraints and perspectives of democracy in Mozambique was held in The Hague to discuss how to strengthen democracy and how to prevent the escalation of political tensions. Author(s): Doeleman, Elma Source(s): , [22] p., 29 cm Published: 2002 Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (NiZA), Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Local economic development in post-crises situations : operational guide
Abstract: The major objective of the guide is to illustrate: (1) why local economic development is particularly effective in post-crisis situations; and (2) how to implement LED in practice. It includes practical step-by-step methodologies and toolkits. Author(s): Gasser, Martin Source(s): , 237 p., ill., tabs Published: 2002 International labour office (ILO), [Geneva] (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Gender and local governance : a new discourse in development
Abstract: The study is broadly an attempt to analyze the emerging scenario of women leadership at local politics by focusing on the elected women representatives of Union Parishad of Bangladesh compared to their counterparts in Panchayats of India. Author(s): Shamin, Ishrat; Kumari, Ranjana Source(s): , [82] p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2002 Centre for women…
Decentralization, trends and constraints
Abstract: The interrelationships between the concepts of decentralization, good governance, local government, democratization, local governance, civil society, and participation are described. Recent trends and developments in decentralization are explained in relation to poverty reduction. Author(s): Walle, John Van Der Source(s): , [9] p. Published: 2002 Royal tropical institute (KIT)], [Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.kit.nl/kit/Walle,-John-van-der-(2002)-Decentralization,-trends-and-constraints
Decentralization in Africa : a stocktaking survey
Abstract: In 2002, a survey was conducted among World Bank country specialists to catalogue the status of political, administrative, and fiscal decentralization in 30 African countries south of the Sahara. Author(s): Ndegwa, Stephen N. Source(s): , Africa region working paper series; 40 28 p., ill., graphs Africa region working paper series 40 Published: 2002 World…
Good governance and decentralization in Nepal
Abstract: Author(s): Dahal, Dev Raj; Uprety, Hari; Subba, Phanindra Source(s): , 98 p. Published: 2001 Center for governance and development studies [etc.], Kathmandu (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.fesnepal.org/publications/Good%20Governance%20and%20Decentralization%20in%20Nepal.PDF
CLGF bulletin / Commonwealth local government forum
Abstract: The CLGF Bulletin is published three times a year and mailed out to members of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum. Author(s): CLGF Source(s): , Published: 2001 CLGF, London (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.clgf.org.uk/index.cfm/pageid/81/CLGF+Bulletin
Gender analysis and interpretation of barriers to women’s participation in Ghana’s decentralised local government system
Abstract: This paper adopts a multi-dimensional gender analysis to debunk the notions that carry with them intrinsic assumptions that the devolution of power to the grassroots level will bring power closer to all the people, including women, and thereby improve governance. Author(s): Ohene-Konadu, Gifty Source(s): , [57] p., ill., graphs Published: 2001 University of Cape-Town…
Democracy at the local level : the International IDEA handbook on participation, representation, conflict management, and governance
Abstract: This handbook offers practical tools for strengthening local democracy. Author(s): Sisk, Timothy D.; Ballington, Julie Source(s): , International IDEA handbook series; 4 xiv, 238 p., ill., graphs International IDEA handbook series 4 Published: 2001 International IDEA, Stockholm (English ISBN/ISSN: 91-89098-73-0/1402-6759 Link: http://www.idea.int/publications/dll/upload/DLL_full_book.pdf