Tag: Local Government
African decentralisation policies and practices from 1980s and beyond
Abstract: The dilemmas of recent decentralization policies and programmes in Africa are highlighted and the main features of African decentralization practices from colonial times to the 1980s and beyond are identified. Author(s): Olowu, Bamidele Source(s): , Working papers / Institute of social studies; 334 46 p., 30 cm Working papers / Institute of social studies…
Decentralization policies and practices under structural adjustment and democratization in Africa
Abstract: The relationship between structural adjustment and democratization, and the institutionalization of local government in African countries is analysed. Suggestions are offered for improving the design and implementation of decentralization policies. Author(s): Olowu, Dele Source(s): , Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper; 4 31 p., 30 cm Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper…
TASAF : a support or an obstacle to local government reform?
Abstract: The Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) is a US$ 60 million World Bank funded programme that is aimed to strengthen administrative efficiency, democratic decentralization and poverty reduction. One of the findings of a study is that TASAF does not seem to weaken the local administrative structure. Author(s): Braathen, Einar Source(s): , Formative process research…
Promoting the participation of women in local governance and development : the case of Ghana
Abstract: This paper describes initiatives in Ghana to promote the participation of women in local governance and the role of European support. Author(s): Ofei-Aboagye, Esther Source(s): , ECDPM discussion paper; 18 10 p., 30 cm ECDPM discussion paper 18 Published: 2000 European centre for development policy management (ECDPM), Maastricht (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ecdpm.org/Web_ECDPM/Web/Content/Content.nsf/80ba021853007405c1256c790053145c/37934f6bc08133b8c1256c6f006053b9?OpenDocument
Monitoring and evaluating support to decentralisation : challenges and dilemmas
Abstract: The author focuses on one particular operational challenge – finding appropriate frameworks or mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the impacts of support to decentralisation. Author(s): Steinich, Markus Source(s): , ECDPM discussion paper; 19 13 p., ill., 30 cm ECDPM discussion paper 19 Published: 2000 European centre for development policy management (ECDPM), Maastricht (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Towards good governance at the local level : the role of grassroots institutions
Abstract: This paper argues that good governance efforts should be aimed at the local, municipal level. Unfortunately, local government is often very weak in terms of capacity, finance, and elite capture. Author(s): Wit, Joop De Source(s): , Working paper series / Institute of social studies; 325 42 p., 30 cm Working paper series / Institute…
Decentralisation and poverty reduction : elaborating the linkages
Abstract: The contribution of decentralization to poverty reduction is examined and the added value of local governments in poverty reduction strategies is assessed, using cases from Ethiopia, Guinea and Mozambique. Author(s): Bossuyt, Jean; Gould, Jeremy Source(s): , Policy management brief; 12 8:00 PM Policy management brief 12 Published: 2000 European centre for development policy management…
Africa local government action forum (ALGAF)
Abstract: This interactive initiative, which was launched in August 2000 following the Africities Summit held in Windhoek, Namibia in May 2000, provides an accessible platform for dialogue on key issues that impact on the performance of local governments. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2000 Africa Caribbean Pacific local government platform (ACPLGP), [Brussels] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Making decentralization accountable : a framework for analysis and empirical studies from south Asia and west Africa : paper submitted to Comparative politics
Abstract: A framework for examining the degree to which decentralizations are being carried out is described. Most decentralization efforts end up without increasing much the powers of local authorities or peoples. Since 1917, francophone West Africa has seen at least four distinct waves. Author(s): Agrawal, Arun; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 66 p. Published: 2000…