Tag: natural resources
Beyond markets and states : polycentric governance of complex economic systems
Abstract: The revised draft of the Nobel lecture by Elinor Ostrom, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Economics. Ostrom has been involved in the analysis of a large number of existing case studies on the governance of common-pool resource around the world. Author(s): Ostrom, Elinor Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs rev. draft Published:…
Centre for development innovation (CDI)
Abstract: The Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) is a unit of Wageningen University & Research centre that works on processes of innovation and change in the areas of secure and healthy food, adaptive agriculture, sustainable markets and ecosystem governance. Author(s): WUR Source(s): , Published: 2009 Wageningen UR (WUR). Centre for development innovation (CDI), Wageningen (English…
Decentralisation and boundary setting in Mali : the case of Kita district
Abstract: This paper asks whether territorial decentralisation in Mali should address the issue of land tenure. Examples are used from the district of Kita to try to tackle this issue, starting with a look at the way that local government boundaries have been set in Mali. Author(s): Idelman, Eric Source(s): , Issue paper / Drylands…
Voluntary guidelines for good governance in land and natural resource tenure : civil society perspectives
Abstract: This paper examines the FAO initiative to adopt guidelines for land and natural resources tenure from a civil society’s point of view, highlighting the role of a human rights framework to improve such a governance system and to make it accountable, transparent, democratic and participatory. Author(s): Suárez, Sofía Monsalve; Osorio, Leticia Marques; Langford, Malcolm…
Repertoires of domination in decentralization : cases from Botswana and Senegal
Abstract: Government officials, local elites, and commercial interests in Botswana and Senegal have used their so-called repertoires of domination to limit the extent of local-level democratization achieved through the decentralization of natural resource management. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R.; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 36 p. draft Published: 2009 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons…
Local governance institutions for sustainable natural resource management in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger
Abstract: Experiences with natural resources management for the purpose of food and income generation are analysed, using cases from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Particular attention is paid to customary arrangements, projects interventions, and decentralization. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , KIT working papers series; G1 iii, 25 p., ill., tabs KIT working papers series…
Public sector reforms in Africa and the quest for democratic developmentalism in Africa
Abstract: Subjects include: (1) pitfalls of decentralization reforms in Uganda (2) prospects for improved service delivery in Uganda (3) privatization of water and sanitation services in Kenya. Author(s): Edigheji, Omano Source(s): , Africa development; vol. 33, no. 4 (special issue) , ill., tabs Africa development vol. 33, no. 4 (special issue) Published: 2008 Council for…
Effectiveness of bylaws in the management of natural resources : the west African experience
Abstract: Recognizing bylaws is one of the most effective arrangements in natural resources management at a local level as they will more easily allow harmonization of the ongoing decentralization process with local practices. Author(s): Alinon, Koffi; Kalinganire, Antoine Source(s): , CAPRi working paper; 93 10 p., ill., tabs CAPRi working paper 93 Published: 2008 International…
Workshop in political theory and policy analysis
Abstract: The mission of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis is to promote the interdisciplinary study of institutions, incentives, and behavior as they relate to policy-relevant applications. Central themes include self-governance, democratic reform, and natural resources management. Author(s): Indiana University Source(s): , Published: 2008 Indiana university, Bloomington, IN (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.indiana.edu/~workshop/about/mission.php