Tag: rural areas
How to walk the talk : the perspectives of sector staff on implementation of the rural water supply programme in Uganda
Abstract: The decentralized rural water supply programme of Uganda is described and two key issues are highlighted: local political interference and the weak capacity of local governments. The establishment of eight regional units that provide support to local governments seems very promising. Author(s): Quin, Andrew; Balfors, Berit; Kjellén, Marianne Source(s): , Natural resources forum :…
Empowerment of rural women : the role of gender-responsive governance and institutions : report of the secretary-general
Abstract: The report examines the contributions of gender-responsive governance and institutions to rural women’s empowerment. The role of local governments is highlighted. It was prepared for the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which took place from 27 February to 9 March 2012. Author(s): ECOSOC Source(s): , 20 p. Published: 2011…
Module 13: Strengthening rural governance, institutions, and citizen participation using ICT
Abstract: ICT for governance, in the form of e-governance, e-services, and e-democracy, is a vital component of rural development. How governments, civil society groups, and NGOs offer their services in rural areas determines the extent to which improvements in agriculture reduce poverty. Author(s): Belden, Cory; Birner, Regina Source(s): , [30] p., ill., tabs Published: 2011…
BRAC’s non-formal primary education programme : scope, growth, achievements and factors contributing to its success
Abstract: This article describes the non-formal primary education (NFPE) programme, which has evolved in Bangladesh since 1985 and is now replicated in Afghanistan, Sudan and Uganda. It fills the gap between adult functional literacy programmes and government schools, involving poor, mostly rural communities. Author(s): Aldeen, Mahmuda Source(s): , [15] p., ill., tab Published: 2011 Informasi…
Decentralisation, democracy and allocation of poverty alleviation programmes in rural India
Abstract: A study of the effect of devolution on poverty alleviation programmes in Indian villages at household level indicates that the resources were captured by the local elite after decentralization, that is, decentralization did not necessarily contribute to the improvement of the welfare of the poor. Author(s): Sato, Takahiro; Imai, Katsushi S. Source(s): , BWPI…
Towards effective participation of chiefs in Ghana’s decentralization process : the case of Wenchi district
Abstract: This study explores the interactive process between decentralized structures and traditional authorities in Ghana, with a view to generating lessons for strengthening the decentralization framework by tapping the strengths of traditional authorities towards accelerated rural development. Author(s): Taabazuing, Joseph Source(s): , xiii, 288 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2010 Author], [S.l. (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Pursuing the MDGs through local government : Naoros village
Abstract: This entry for the GFLD video contest (Sept. 2010) shows participants at the Conference on Transparency, Free Flow of Information and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which was held in London on 24-25 August 2010. They emphasize the need for local government to achieve the MDGs. Author(s): Ochweri, James; Eriksson, Emma Source(s): , 3:35…
Financial resources mobilization performance of rural local government : case study of three Union Parishad in Bangladesh
Abstract: Fiscal decentralization in Bangladesh has been initiated but the existing pattern of rural local governments self financing is not impressive. The relatively small scale Union Parishad (UP), the lowest tier rural local government, show some promise. Author(s): Ullah, Md. Anwar; Pongquan, Soparth Source(s): , Asian social science; Vol. 6, No. 11 p. 95-115, ill.,…
Local development outlook Cambodia
Abstract: This Executive Summary provides a comprehensive overview of local development trends in Cambodia. It discusses policy, decentralization and governance reforms aimed at reducing disparities and exploiting Cambodia’s enormous potential. Author(s): Crosta, Nicola; Abrams, Julian Source(s): , 34 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 United nations capital development fund (UNCDF), New York, NY (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Internal migration and rural service provision in northern Ghana
Abstract: The effect of the level of district rural services on rural-urban migration was studied in Northern Ghana. It was found that rural service improvements aimed at reducing economic isolation can enhance labour mobility and free up on-farm labour for migration by lowering transaction costs. Author(s): Wouterse, Fleur Source(s): , IFPRI discussion paper; 952 v,…