Tag: rural development
Mobilizing rural institutions for sustainable livelihoods and equitable development : a case study of local governance and smallholder cooperatives in Ethiopia
Abstract: This paper examines governance issues in relation to rural institutions and sustainable livelihood improvement, drawing on evidence from Ethiopia. Possible avenues through which rural organizations can play a larger role in improving rural governance are examined. Author(s): Spielman, David J.; Cohen, Marc J.; Mogues, Tewodaj Source(s): , ii, 28 p., ill., graphs, tabs rev.…
India : rural governments and service delivery
Abstract: This study deals with the roles of different levels of government and the institutional arrangements involved in the provision of key services, e.g. health, education, sanitation and employment. What role do panchayats have in delivering these services. The focus is on disadvantaged rural areas. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , xiv, 127 p., ill., graphs,…
Decentralization, local governance, and rural development
Abstract: Three articles on decentralization issues in relation to agricultural and rural development are presented, viz. on: (1) the risks related to ethnicity, elite capture, and aid effectiveness; (2) the challenge of agricultural development; and (3) emerging issues from Uganda’s experience. Author(s): Arcand, Jean-Louis Source(s): , Berlin workshop series 2008 p. 147-173, ill., tabs Berlin…
Decentralised service delivery in east Africa : a comparative study of Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya
Abstract: Author(s): JICA Source(s): , IIC JR; 07-23 xl, 222 p., ill., graphs, tabs IIC JR 07-23 Published: 2008 Japan international cooperation agency (JICA). Institute for international cooperation (IIC), Tokyo (English ISBN/ISSN: 4-903645-56-8/ Link: http://jica-ri.jica.go.jp/IFIC_and_JBICI-Studies/english/publications/reports/study/topical/africa/pdf/002.pdf
Rural livelihoods, poverty reduction, and food security in Southern Africa : is CBNRM the answer?
Abstract: This paper focuses on the socio-economic benefits of community-based natural resource management and its contributions to rural livelihoods, its impact on poverty and food security, and a comparison with other land use and development options. Author(s): Arntzen, Jaap; Setlhogile, Tshepo; Barnes, Jon Source(s): , v, 35 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 International resources…
Governance for agricultural and rural development program
Abstract: IFPRI’s Governance for Agricultural and Rural Development Program aims to support countries in their efforts to improve governance by researching governance issues that are essential for achieving food security and promoting equitable and sustainable agricultural and rural development. Author(s): IFPRI Source(s): , [2] p., ill. Published: 2007 International food policy research institute (IFPRI), Washington,…
Of global concern : rural livelihood dynamics and natural resource governance
Abstract: This book wants to create a better understanding of the global challenges faced by rural livelihoods that are intimately dependent on land and natural resources. This includes institutions, processes and developments at local, rural levels, among households, groups and communities. Author(s): Havnevik, Kjell; Negash, Tekeste; Beyene, Atakilte Source(s): , Sida studies; 16 263 p.,…
Policies and practices for securing and improving access to land
Abstract: This paper analyses the links between land access and poverty reduction, and reviews recent policy and practice to improve land access for poorer groups in different parts of the world. Author(s): Cotula, Lorenzo; Toulmin, Camilla; Quan, Julian Source(s): , Issue paper / International institute for environment and development; 1 31 p Issue paper /…
Participatory local development planning : a guide for municipalities in southern Ecuador : local government
Abstract: As a result of the process of decentralization, poor municipalities in Southern Ecuador are now required to draw up their own local development plans, specifying policies, strategies and programmes. This guide shares its experiences in formulating the plans and introducing a participatory process. Author(s): Weer, Erik Van; Bustamante, Manuel; Solorzano, Vicente Source(s): , [5]…
Local organizations in decentralized development : their functions and performance in India
Abstract: Local organizations have become key mechanisms in effective, fair, and sustainable resource management and development in India. However, the support for local organizations is often little more than rudimentary. Author(s): Alsop, Ruth; Kurey, Bryan Source(s): , Directions in development xii, 167 p., ill., tabs, 23 cm Directions in development Published: 2005 World bank, Washington,…