Tag: urbanization
Assessing the Institutional Environment of Local Governments in Africa
Africa’s cities are growing at an unprecedented rate, over 3% per year on average, and local governments are expected to play a crucial role in the urbanization process. United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) and Cities Alliance proposed an assessment of the institutional environment of local governments in Africa. The report analyzes…
Post-2015 global development agenda : making the case for decentralisation and local governance
Abstract: Decentralization and local governance (DLG) need to be integrated in the post-2015 framework as a ‘strategic enabler’. DLG play a role in providing basic services and addressing inequalities, food insecurity, urbanization, youth unemployment, climate change, conflict and insecurity. Author(s): Awortwi, Nicholas Source(s): , DeLoG working paper; 2 ix, 30 p., ill., graphs, tabs DeLoG…
Innovations in land rights recognition, administration, and governance
Abstract: This volume is a product of the Annual Conference on Land Policy and Administration. Subjects include: (1) innovation in land administration in Africa; (2) low-cost land administration; (3) the impact of improved tenure security; and (4) land governance. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus Source(s): , v, 241 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2010 World bank…