Tag: accountability
Local and community driven development : moving to scale in theory and practice
Abstract: This publication provides development practitioners with the historical background and the tools required to successfully scale up local and community driven development (LCDD) to the regional and national levels. Author(s): Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P.; Regt, Jacomina P. De; Spector, Stephen Source(s): , New frontiers of social policy xxii, 248 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs New…
Environmental functions provided by Malaysian local government : user’s perception
Abstract: The factors affecting the user’s perception of environmental services provided by the local government in Kedah, Malaysia, were identified. In the future, government rules and regulations should be more transparent and the participation of all parties should be encouraged. Author(s): Zakaria, Zaherawati Source(s): , Journal of social sciences; vol. 6, no. 2 p. 296-302,…
Testing democracy : which way is South Africa going?
Abstract: South Africa’s democ¬racy is assessed through Idasa’s Democracy Index, comprising 100 questions that interrogate how closely democracy meets the broadly defined ideal of popular self-government. The main topics are: participation, elections, accountability, political freedom, and human dignity. Author(s): Misra-Dexter, Neeta; February, Judith Source(s): , xxviii, 282 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 Idasa, Cape…
Value of people’s participation for good governance in developing countries
Abstract: One of the major barriers to people’s participation in local government in Bangladesh is the hostile and distrustful attitude of elected leaders. People should participate directly at the decision-making table, unless and until this attitude has changed. Author(s): Waheduzzaman Source(s): , Transforming government : people, process and policy; Vol. 4, No. 4 p. 386-402,…
Why accountability matters
Abstract: This ODI policy brief points out that strengthening accountability is fundamentally a political activity, requiring a robust understanding of local politics (and not just party politics) combined with smarter and more flexible ways of delivering aid and technical support. Author(s): Wild, Leni; Foresti, Marta; Harris, Dan Source(s): , Policy brief / Overseas development institute…
Inside the black box : the political economy of local governments and their role in rural development
Abstract: Many studies of decentralization and local governance treat local governments as a “black box” and do not capture the multi-faceted ways in which rural citizens interact with local governments and influence local government performance. Hence this workshop with 18 case studies and keynote papers. Author(s): IFPRI Source(s): , Published: 2010 International food policy research…
The illusion of ethics for good local governance in South Africa
Abstract: The practical outcomes of ethical, state-of-the-art legislation in South Africa are rather illusive. The article recommends to conduct on-going fraud risk assessments and sensitize the communities through education and training regarding good governance and the code of ethics. Author(s): Vyas-Doorgapersad, S.; Ababio, E.P. Source(s): , TD : The Journal for transdisciplinary research in Southern…
Putting citizens at the centre : linking states and societies for responsive governance : a policy-maker’s guide to the research of the Development research centre on citizenship, participation and accountability
Abstract: This note provides a guide to key findings on how citizen participation and engagement can contribute to development, strengthen democratic and responsive states, and help to realise human rights. Author(s): Benequista, Nicholas; Gaventa, John; Barrett, Gregory Source(s): , 20 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 University of Sussex. Institute of development studies (IDS). Development research…
Ethical leadership and political culture in local government : a civil society perspective on local governance in South Africa
Abstract: Important avenues to build better leadership in local government in South Africa are highlighted. A collective change in attitudes and in practices on the part of leadership is needed. Softer issues such as values, a shared vision, commitment, motivation, learning and trust are equally important. Author(s): Van Donk, Mirjam Source(s): , 96 p., ill.,…
Decentralization policies in Asian development
Abstract: This book explores fiscal decentralization in Asia, which aims to bring budgetary decisions closer to voters. Subjects include: the major decentralization reforms in Indonesia, the significant reforms in the Philippines and Vietnam, and the special cases of India and China. Author(s): Ichimura, Shinichi; Bahl, Roy Source(s): , xxv, 414 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 24…