Tag: civil society
Grassroots bureaucracy : intergovernmental relations and popular mobilization around AIDS policy in Brazil
Abstract: In Brazil’s AIDS policy sector, bureaucrats have ensured the successful implementation of their policies by mobilizing civil society as government watchdogs and as political advocates. These “activist bureaucrats” form a new layer of politics in Latin America. Author(s): Rich, Jessica A.J. Source(s): , 47 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 [Author], Berkeley, CA (English ISBN/ISSN:…
NED : National endowment for democracy : supporting freedom around the world
Abstract: Each year, with funding from the US Congress, NED supports more than 1,000 projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries. Grantees include groups that promote civic engagement in local governance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 National endowment for democracy (NED), Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Using and strengthening partner systems at the subnational level
Abstract: The Busan Declaration assigns local governments an important role as a link between citizens and the state. It stipulates that donors who do not use partner systems, due to their poor quality, must identify and help implement the quality deficits as well as measures to strengthening them. Author(s): GIZ Source(s): , [2] p., ill.…
Abstract: AccountAbility provides solutions to challenges in corporate responsibility and sustainable development through its standards, research, and advisory services. It is increasingly engaged in civil society and partnership governance and accountability. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 AccountAbility, London [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.accountability.org/
Project browser
Abstract: The project browser of the Canadian International Development Agency allows all projects to be browsed within the democratic governance sector, including those concerned with decentralization and support to sub-national government, democratic participation and civil society, and public finance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Canadian international development agency (CIDA), Gatineau (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/cidaweb/cpo.nsf/vWebProjBySectorOfFocusEn?OpenView&SoF=1100&cat=Democratic%20governance&altcat=Gouvernance%20d%E9mocratique&Expand=1#il
Blurring the boundaries : citizen action across states and societies : a summary of findings from a decade of collaborative research on citizen engagement
Abstract: This report argues that the ‘good governance’ agenda is due for a citizen-led upheaval: citizens can in fact galvanize and lead fundamental governance reform themselves. It also suggests how best to formulate context-specific strategies for pursuing a citizen-led development agenda. Author(s): Benequista, Nicholas; Gaventa, John Source(s): , [52] p., ill. Published: 2011 Development research…
OGF : Oslo governance forum
Abstract: The Forum facilitates exchange of innovative experiences, knowledge and policy options on participatory governance assessments and social accountability among practitioners from UNDP, bilateral organisations, international development, academic institutions, government, and civil society. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , Published: 2011 United nations development programme (UNDP). Oslo governance centre (OGC), Oslo (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.oslogovernanceforum.org/
Enhancing local governance through local initiatives : residents’ associations in Zimbabwe : review
Abstract: The establishment of resident associations as a way for residents to contribute to good and transparent governance within their local authorities is discussed, especially in relation to budgetary processes and recent poverty issues in Zimbabwe. Author(s): Mapuva, Jephias Source(s): , African journal of history and culture (AJHC); Vol. 3, No. 1 p. 1-12, ill.,…
International land coalition
Abstract: The International Land Coalition is a global alliance of civil society and intergovernmental organisations working together to promote secure and equitable access to and control over land for poor women and men through advocacy, dialogue, knowledge sharing, and capacity building. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 International land coalition, Rome (English; Spanish; French ISBN/ISSN: /…
Recognising community voice and dissatisfaction : a civil society perspective on local governance in South Africa
Abstract: The meaning of community protests for local governance in South Africa is examined. The report is organized into 3 sections: concepts of participation and democracy; state-organised structures of participation; and community-created spaces of participation, including protest action. Author(s): Van Donk, Mirjam Source(s): , 136 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 Good governance learning network…