Tag: democracy
Local democracy, peace & human security (LDPHS)
Abstract: The LDPHS offers applied research, policy analysis and consulting services with the aim to help design and implement local governments that promote peace, development and human security in South Africa and the African region. Author(s): University Of The Western Cape Source(s): , Published: 2010 University of the Western Cape. Community law centre, Bellville (English…
Repertoires of domination : decentralization as process in Botswana and Senegal
Abstract: The concept of “repertoires of domination” is used to describe the many tactics government ocials and non-state actors use to limit meaningful shifts of authority associated with decentralization related to wildlife management in Botswana and forestry management in Senegal. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R.; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , World development; Vol. 39, No. 3…
In pursuit of votes : the capture of the allocation of local public goods by the central state in Ghana
Abstract: Using a comparative case study of two districts in northern Ghana, it is shown that the rationale of partisan politics of the central state is expressed through an informal model of vote buying. Ignoring this may undermine the current efforts to reform decentralized public-resource allocation. Author(s): Horowitz, Leah; Palaniswamy, Nethra Source(s): , IFPRI discussion…
Evaluation of UNDP contribution to strengthening local governance participation
Abstract: The evaluation recommends that UNDP should more explicitly and effectively mainstream local governance into all programmatic focus areas by developing a coherent framework that is firmly grounded in the practice of human development. Author(s): Daniel, Louise Source(s): , xviii, 74 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 United nations development programme (UNDP), New York, NY (English…
United nations e-government survey 2010 : leveraging e-government at a time of financial and economic crisis
Abstract: This edition makes the case that e-government should play an ever greater role in development. However, e-participation has so far not been nearly as successful as participatory budgeting. The global South is still lagging in implementation and infrastructure. Author(s): Qian, Haiyan Source(s): , Economic & social affairs xi, 125 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs…
Direct deliberative local governance using online media : consensual problem solving or a recalcitrant pluralism?
Abstract: This paper analyses the conversation on a discussion list that was developed to support local, direct governance in a community in South Africa. It was found that online interaction can facilitate pluralist deliberation for managing complex local governance problems. Author(s): Van Der Merwe, Rean; Meehan, Anthony Source(s): , 13 p. Published: 2010 The Open…
Gerrymandering decentralization : political selection of grants-financed local jurisdictions
Abstract: This article describes a model that shows how decentralization in developing countries may fuel vote-buying, patronage, and pork-barrel politics, especially in political economy contexts that are inimical to organization of citizens for the broad public interest. Author(s): Khemani, Stuti Source(s): , 30 p., ill., tab draft Published: 2009 Columbia university. Initiative for policy dialogue…
Fragility at the local level : challenges to building local state-citizen relations in fragile settings
Abstract: This paper reviews available literature on local democratic governance in fragile settings with an emphasis on contexts marked by protracted violent conflict. Challenges to local governance in fragile settings have dimensions of state-reconstruction, decentralization, and participatory governance. Author(s): Oosterom, Marjoke Source(s): , Working paper / Civic engagement in post-conflict settings project 21 p., ill…
IDASA – Blog
Abstract: A blog by Idasa, an independent South African public interest organisation committed to promoting sustainable democracy based on active citizenship, democratic institutions, and social justice. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Institute for democracy in South Africa (IDASA), Cape Town [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://idasa.wordpress.com/