Tag: development policy
International forestry resources and institutions
Abstract: The IFRI research initiative examines how governance arrangements affect forests and the people who depend on them. The IFRI network is comprised of 12 Collaborating Research Centers (CRCs) located around the globe. Our goal is to help design and implement improved evidence-based forest policies. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 International forestry resources and institutions…
Inclusive local governance for poverty reduction : a review of policies and practices
Abstract: IDS reviewed 11 cases studies of donors worldwide to analyse how and when donor policies and initiatives for social inclusion in local governance processes and institutions really work to improve the lives of the poor. Author(s): Mejía Acosta, Andrés; Clark, Julia Source(s): , 48 p., ill. Published: 2010 Swiss agency for development and cooperation…
Strategic review of local economic development in South Africa : final report
Abstract: An examination of the key challenges facing Local Economic Development (LED) in South Africa revealed the need for local governance to promote far greater private sector involvement and cross-sector partnership in LED. Author(s): Rogerson, Christian M. Source(s): , 85 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit] (GTZ) [etc.], [Eschborn etc. (English…
Speaking out : case studies on how poor people influence decision-making
Abstract: The focus of this book is on how the right to be heard can strengthen the participation of people in poverty in formulating public policy, and enable them to hold decision-makers accountable. Author(s): Blaser, Caitlin; Gaag, Nikki Van Der; Rowlands, Jo Source(s): , ix, 136 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2009 Practical action [etc.],…
Local level governance of natural resources and the environment : briefing note for embassies
Abstract: This reference note on land governance is developed for the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, particularly embassies. The aim of this note is to facilitate the inclusion of land governance in the context analysis of the multi annual strategic plans of the embassies in guest countries. Author(s): KIT Source(s): , 16 p. Published: 2009…
Scaling up Local & community driven development (LCDD) : a real world guide to its theory and practice
Abstract: This book includes historical backgrounds, best practices and underpinnings, analysis and lessons learned, and toolkits for developing supportive national policies and implementation programs that fit the individual contexts of countries and localities. Author(s): Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P.; Regt, Jacomina P. De; Spector, Stephen Source(s): , xii, 157 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 World…
Decentralization task force meeting, New York City 2009
Abstract: In June 2009, top academics studying decentralization presented and debated the latest research in the field and discussed and evaluated the resulting policy options in the company of policymakers from countries with notable decentralization experiments. Author(s): Columbia University Source(s): , 1 file, ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 Columbia university. Initiative for policy dialogue…
Multi-actor participation in local development : the ‘rise and decline’ of Harambee policy in Kenya
Abstract: The objectives, prime movers and the incentives for participation in the Harambee local development model, Kenya, are examend and the weaknesses that affected its success are pointed out. An attempt is made to discuss alternatives for improving the working of the policy. Author(s): Kanothi, Raphael Ngatia Source(s): , p. 9-26, ill. Published: 2009 Institute…
Institutions: top down or bottom up? : design and reform of institutions in LDCs and transition economies
Abstract: This article poses the question whether top-down institutional change is desirable, using the case of land tenure reform versus customary rights. It recommends adopting an agenda of gradual reform that recognizes the constraints of bottom up evolution instead of delusory top down attempts. Author(s): Easterly, William Source(s): , American economic review; Vol. 98, No.…
ECDPM : European centre for development policy management
Abstract: ECDPM contributes to the search for home-grown governance strategies at local, national, regional and continental levels in Africa and strengthens the EU capacity to programme, implement, monitor and evaluate governance support. Author(s): ECDPM Source(s): , Published: 2008 European centre for development policy management (ECDPM), [Maastricht etc.] (English; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ecdpm.org/Web_ECDPM/Web/Content/Navigation.nsf/Index2?ReadForm