Tag: forest management
Decentralized governance and ecological health : why local institutions fail to moderate deforestation in Mpigi district of Uganda
Abstract: Factors that affect the effectiveness of decentralization of authority over forests to local user groups, traditional leaders, or officials of local governments in Uganda were identified. Author(s): Banana, Abwoli Y. Source(s): , Scientific research and essay; Vol. 2, No. 10 p. 434-445, ill., maps, tabs Scientific research and essay Vol. 2, No. 10 Published:…
Of global concern : rural livelihood dynamics and natural resource governance
Abstract: This book wants to create a better understanding of the global challenges faced by rural livelihoods that are intimately dependent on land and natural resources. This includes institutions, processes and developments at local, rural levels, among households, groups and communities. Author(s): Havnevik, Kjell; Negash, Tekeste; Beyene, Atakilte Source(s): , Sida studies; 16 263 p.,…
Decentralization policy and the struggle for authority over forest resources in Tebo regency, Jambi
Abstract: A case study of forest management from Jambi Province on Sumatra, Indonesia, shows that decentralization does not automatically mean that local communities or groups have a higher capacity for sustainable forest management. Author(s): Nurrochmat, Dodik Ridho; Krott, M.; Birner, R. Source(s): , Jurnal manajemen hutan tropika (JMHT); Vol. 12, No. 2 p. 27-35, ill.,…
Technical and institutional capacity in local organisations to manage decentralised forest resources in Uganda
Abstract: The technical and institutional capacity in selected local organizations (community, government) to manage decentralized forest resources in Uganda was examined. None of them had either the legal mandate or sufficient human and physical resources to govern forest resources well. Author(s): Turyahabwe, N. Source(s): , Southern African forestry journal; 208 p. 63-78, ill., map, tabs…
Mainstreaming participatory forestry within the local government reform process in Tanzania
Abstract: As part of the decentralization reforms in Tanzania, the Forestry and Beekeeping Division has institutionalized participatory forestry. Locally elected councils should not be disempowered by making them accountable to ministries. Author(s): Blomley, Tom Source(s): , Gatekeeper series; 128 24 p., ill., tabs, 21 cm Gatekeeper series 128 Published: 2006 International institute for environment and…
Participation and decentralized forest management : social effects of local government initiatives
Abstract: Though the research from Nicaragua is preliminary, the results suggest a clear correlation between effective participation and the absence of corruption or elite capture by logging companies, but participation alone does not guarantee positive results for resource users. Author(s): Larson, Anne M.; Zeledón, Virginia Source(s): , 29 p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 Indiana university.…
Decentralization reforms : help or hindrance to forest conservation?
Abstract: The paper argues that even in instances where local governments effectively carry out their decentralized mandate it is unreasonable to expect that decentralization will lead to conservation of all forests, all the time. Author(s): Andersson, Krister P.; Gibson, Clark C. Source(s): , 24 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs draft Published: 2004 Indiana university. Digital…
Decentralization without accountability : power and authority over local forest governance in Indonesia
Abstract: The decentralization of forest resource management authority to local governments in Indonesia has resulted in a situation in which district governments are neither accountable upward to the central government nor downward to the local people. Author(s): Djogo, Tony; Syaf, Rudi Source(s): , 17 p. Published: 2004 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons (DLC),…
Paths and pitfalls of decentralisation for sustainable forest management : experiences of the Asia-Pacific region
Abstract: Selected case studies of experiences with decentralization in the Asia-Pacific Region have been reviewed for their positive and negative aspects. The impacts on forest management and overall sustainability are noted. Author(s): Ferguson, Ian; Chandrasekharan, Cherukat Source(s): , 36 p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 Center for international forestry research (CIFOR), [Bogor (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…