Tag: guidelines
Local and community driven development : moving to scale in theory and practice
Abstract: This publication provides development practitioners with the historical background and the tools required to successfully scale up local and community driven development (LCDD) to the regional and national levels. Author(s): Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P.; Regt, Jacomina P. De; Spector, Stephen Source(s): , New frontiers of social policy xxii, 248 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs New…
A draft international framework for CSO development effectiveness : presented for consideration by CSOs, donors and governments
Abstract: Author(s): Source(s): , 31 p. version 2 Published: 2010 Open forum for CSO development effectiveness, [Brussels] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.ccic.ca/_files/en/what_we_do/2010_11_framework_for_cso_dev_eff_final.pdf
Topic guide on communications and governance
Abstract: This guide offers literature on the role of communications in governance. It highlights practical guidance, lessons learned and case studies on the development of independent media, increasing access to information and the use of communication tools in governance processes in different contexts. Author(s): Mcloughlin, Claire; Scott, Zoë Source(s): , 42 p. Published: 2010 University…
How can we help you? : a toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Abstract: This toolkit presents the step-by-step approach VNG International has developed over the years in various projects, mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. Its final objective being the creation of fully operational one stop desks wherever these may be needed. Author(s): Hecker, Jan; Netolický, Miroslav; Tøebová, Moravská; Maathuis, Sander; Vis, Carolien Source(s): , 34 p.,…
An analytical framework for assessing decentralized local governance and the local public sector
Abstract: This comparative decentralization assessment framework guides a rapid assessment of a country’s local public sector, including its political-administrative structures, its system of intergovernmental relations and the financing of the country’s decentralized local governments. Author(s): Boex, Jamie; Yilmaz, Serdar Source(s): , IDG working paper; 2010-06 36 p., ill., tabs IDG working paper 2010-06 Published: 2010…
Inclusive local governance for poverty reduction : a review of policies and practices
Abstract: IDS reviewed 11 cases studies of donors worldwide to analyse how and when donor policies and initiatives for social inclusion in local governance processes and institutions really work to improve the lives of the poor. Author(s): Mejía Acosta, Andrés; Clark, Julia Source(s): , 48 p., ill. Published: 2010 Swiss agency for development and cooperation…
Guidelines for total sanitation programme in Nepal
Abstract: This guideline has been developed for policy makers, planners, donors, local government bodies, and district level line agencies with a broader aim to help implement the promotional actions on hygiene and sanitation as envisaged by the Master Plan on Hygiene and Sanitation in Nepal. Author(s): Source(s): , iii, 57 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010…
Framework and guidelines on land policy in Africa : land policy in Africa : a framework to strengthen land rights, enhance productivity and secure livelihoods
Abstract: The Framework and Guidelines serves as a basis for commitment of African governments in land policy formulation and implementation and a foundation for popular participation in improved land governance, including land rights delivery systems and land governance structures and institutions. Author(s): Ping, Jean; Janneh, Abdoulie; Kaberuka, Donald Source(s): , xv, 41 p., ill., tab…
Democratic decentralization programming handbook
Abstract: This handbook is a reference book intended to support decentralization programming processes of USAID. An annotated, categorized bibliography of published materials dealing with various aspects of decentralization and local governance strengthening in developing countries is included. Author(s): Connerley, Edwin Source(s): , xi, 138 p., ill., tabs Published: 2009 U.S. Agency for international development (USAID),…
Commonwealth local government forum (CLGF)
Abstract: The forum helps strengthen effective democratic local government throughout the Commonwealth and facilitates the exchange of good practice in local government structures and services. Author(s): CLGF Source(s): , Published: 2009 Commonwealth local government forum (CLGF), [London etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.clgf.org.uk/index.cfm