Tag: congo
Insecurity and local governance in Congo’s south Kivu
Abstract: This report explores the role of various local organizations and groups in conflict and post-conflict governance and networking in South Kivu have been affected by the civil war and the ways in which local communities cope with chaos and the absence of the state. Author(s): Mushi, Ferdinand Mugumo Source(s): , IDS research report; 74…
Mapping police services in the Democratic republic of Congo : institutional interactions at central, provincial and local levels
Abstract: This paper examines the roles, responsibilities and interactions between the various formal and informal institutions and stakeholders involved in the management of police services in the DRC. It identifies informal networks that influence decision-making processes and policy implementation. Author(s): Nlandu, Thierry Mayamba Source(s): , IDS research report; 71 103 p., ill., tabs IDS research…
Global uncertainties : security in an Africa of networked, multi-level governance
Abstract: This research programme (2009-2012) of conflict management in Africa is built on the observation that all governance (esp. in Africa) is multi-levelled and networked – from the village to the international organisation, and well beyond what is specified in formal government structures. Author(s): IDS Source(s): , Published: 2012 Institute of development studies (IDS), Brighton…
Donor program harmonization, aid effectiveness and decentralized governance
Abstract: The case studies from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, and Uganda provide examples of donor harmonization (and the lack thereof) and review the obstacles to harmonization and alignment faced by the development partners working in these specific country contexts. Author(s): Smoke, Paul; Winters, Matthew S. Source(s): , Local governance & decentralisation 23 p…
ICT4Gov : ICT mediated participatory budgeting in South-Kivu : mobilizing resources for the poor
Abstract: In Congo (DRC) citizens use their mobile phones to vote on community priorities for local public services. When they have reached an agreement the local government devotes a percentage of the local investment budget to the project selected by the citizens. Author(s): WBI [World Bank Institute] Source(s): , 4:02 min. Published: 2011 World bank…
Mobilising tax revenue to finance development : the case for property taxation in Francophone Africa
Abstract: The design and implementation of property tax systems in West Africa as a source of national or municipal revenue is analysed. Development partners could support tax reform through capacity building in the areas of fiscal decentralisation, governance, skills, ICT, collection, and enforcement. Author(s): Monkam, Nara F. Source(s): , Working paper / University of Pretoria;…
Promouvoir la bonne gouvernance des entités territoriales décentralisées et des provinces en RDC : atelier d’écriture
Abstract: The objective of this writeshop was to extract the lessons from the most significant experiences gained in the area of promoting good governance. The participants were drawn from Cordaid, a Dutch NGO, and partner organizations in South Kivu and Eastern Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Author(s): Klaver, Dieuwke Source(s): , Publication occasionnelle xv, 47…
Tenure in REDD : start-point or afterthought?
Abstract: This report aims to promote debate on the REDD mechanisms, drawing on experience from rainforest countries. It explores tenure issues and identifies key challenges to be addressed if REDD is to have equitable and sustainable impact. Author(s): Cotula, Lorenzo; Mayers, James Source(s): , IIED natural resource issues; 15 vi, 56 p., ill., tabs IIED…
Introducing power analysis as a tool to promote local democratic accountability in the Democratic republic of Congo : [case study]
Abstract: A workshop with 23 civil society organizations was held in the Democratic Republic of Congo to discuss methods of power analysis that might help to improve the strategies of these organizations for promoting accountable governance at local level. Author(s): Edwards, Andrew Source(s): , [3] p. Published: 2009 Powercube, [Brighton (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.powercube.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Congo_casestudy.pdf
Women’s empowerment and good governance through community radio : best experiences for an action research process
Abstract: This collection of articles seeks to contribute to the impact of community radio on governance issues especially related to gender equality and women’s rights. The publication is part of a two-year participatory action research process to address the challenges to women’s participation in democracy. Author(s): Solervicens, Marcelo Source(s): , [136] p., ill., tabs Published:…