Tag: international co-operation
Dutch municipalities supporting the Millennium development goals : a VNG campaign explained
Abstract: A brochure published for a non-Dutch audience explaining the success of the Millennium Municipality Campaign in the Netherlands. It goes into questions such as: ‘Why do local authorities sign up, and what do they do?’ ‘What support does VNG offer?’ and ‘What lessons can be learned so far?’ Author(s): Breugem, Jaap; Wiggers, Arthur Source(s):…
International twinning and partnership for development
Abstract: This website on local government twinning and partnerships for development provides information to help local authorities from Europe and from the South to find a partner with a view to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of administrative and public services. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2008 Council of European municipalities and regions (CEMR), Paris…
UCLG policy paper on local finance : including the UCLG support paper
Abstract: Local finance is instrumental in any decentralization process and therefore a priority for UCLG. The relationships between local governments, multilateral organizations and national governments in relation to decentralization are outlined. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , 70 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2008 United cities and local governments (UCLG), Barcelona (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/upload/doc_publications/93766881510_%28EN%29_uclgpolicypaperonlocalfinanceeng2.pdf
United cities and local governments (UCLG) = Cités et gouvernements locaux unis (CGLU) = Ciudades y gobiernos locales unidos (CGLU)
Abstract: Present in 136 UN members states, UCLG’s members include individual cities and national associations of local governments. It supports democratic local self-government across the globe through international co-operation, programmes, networks and partnerships. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , Published: 2007 United cities and local governments (UCLG), [Barcelona] (English; Spanish; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/
Strengthening local government through international partnerships : a dynamic tool for government and community
Abstract: Illustrates in what way international partnerships can contribute to improving the performance of local governments. Mentions obstacles in establishing or executing partnerships and provides practical solutions. Author(s): Maathuis, Sander; Waard, Jan De Source(s): , 39 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 VNG international, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.vng-international.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/publicationsAndTools/Strengthening_Local_Government.pdf
Time for local democracy : The Aberdeen agenda: Commonwealth principles on good practice for local democracy and good governance
Abstract: The Aberdeen Agenda provides a set of standards to promote healthy local democracy and good governance throughout the Commonwealth. It was formally approved by the member organizations of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum on 18 March 2005 as a result of discussions at the Aberdeen conference. Author(s): CLGF Source(s): , 9 p. Published: 2005…
CLGF bulletin / Commonwealth local government forum
Abstract: The CLGF Bulletin is published three times a year and mailed out to members of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum. Author(s): CLGF Source(s): , Published: 2001 CLGF, London (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.clgf.org.uk/index.cfm/pageid/81/CLGF+Bulletin
Guide for monitoring, evaluation and joint analyses of pluralistic extension support
Abstract: In the context of a discussion of institutional arrangements for extension as outlined in the “Common Framework on Agricultural Extension”, a number of questions are raised with regard to the extent that decentralization may have advanced the Neuchatel agenda of extension reform. Author(s): Christoplos, Ian; Kidd, Andrew Source(s): , 24 p., ill., 24 cm…