Tag: Local Government
African decentralisation policies and practices from 1980s and beyond
Abstract: The dilemmas of recent decentralization policies and programmes in Africa are highlighted and the main features of African decentralization practices from colonial times to the 1980s and beyond are identified. Author(s): Olowu, Bamidele Source(s): , Working papers / Institute of social studies; 334 46 p., 30 cm Working papers / Institute of social studies…
Decentralization policies and practices under structural adjustment and democratization in Africa
Abstract: The relationship between structural adjustment and democratization, and the institutionalization of local government in African countries is analysed. Suggestions are offered for improving the design and implementation of decentralization policies. Author(s): Olowu, Dele Source(s): , Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper; 4 31 p., 30 cm Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper…
Fiscal decentralisation in Tanzania : for better or for worse?
Abstract: An important component of local government reform in Tanzania is to increase the fiscal autonomy of local authorities. There is a risk that, in the absence of capacity building and improved integrity, increased autonomy will increase mismanagement and corruption. Author(s): Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge Source(s): , Working paper / Development studies and human rights, Chr. Michelsen…
Strategic priorities and operational challenges for European support for democratic decentralisation in the context of the new ACP-EU partnership agreement
Abstract: European donors will remain important supporters for democratic decentralization and municipal development in Africa, but many strategic and operational challenges exist on both sides. The paper outlines ways to address those, and to anchor poverty and local development concerns in European support. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , ECDPM discussion paper; no. 24 53 p.,…
Realities or rhetoric? : revisiting the decentralization of natural resources management in Uganda and Zambia
Abstract: The reasoning underlying decentralization reforms for natural resource management in east and southern Africa is analysed, using cases from Uganda and Zambia. There may be better ways for establishing local environmental management. Author(s): Lind, Jeremy; Cappon, Jan Source(s): , vi, 80 p. Published: 2001 ACTS press, Nairobi (English ISBN/ISSN: 9966-41-110-0/ Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20050317082423/http://www.acts.or.ke/Rhetoric.htm
Good governance and decentralization in Nepal
Abstract: Author(s): Dahal, Dev Raj; Uprety, Hari; Subba, Phanindra Source(s): , 98 p. Published: 2001 Center for governance and development studies [etc.], Kathmandu (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.fesnepal.org/publications/Good%20Governance%20and%20Decentralization%20in%20Nepal.PDF
CLGF bulletin / Commonwealth local government forum
Abstract: The CLGF Bulletin is published three times a year and mailed out to members of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum. Author(s): CLGF Source(s): , Published: 2001 CLGF, London (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.clgf.org.uk/index.cfm/pageid/81/CLGF+Bulletin
Gender analysis and interpretation of barriers to women’s participation in Ghana’s decentralised local government system
Abstract: This paper adopts a multi-dimensional gender analysis to debunk the notions that carry with them intrinsic assumptions that the devolution of power to the grassroots level will bring power closer to all the people, including women, and thereby improve governance. Author(s): Ohene-Konadu, Gifty Source(s): , [57] p., ill., graphs Published: 2001 University of Cape-Town…
Democracy at the local level : the International IDEA handbook on participation, representation, conflict management, and governance
Abstract: This handbook offers practical tools for strengthening local democracy. Author(s): Sisk, Timothy D.; Ballington, Julie Source(s): , International IDEA handbook series; 4 xiv, 238 p., ill., graphs International IDEA handbook series 4 Published: 2001 International IDEA, Stockholm (English ISBN/ISSN: 91-89098-73-0/1402-6759 Link: http://www.idea.int/publications/dll/upload/DLL_full_book.pdf
Abstract: In this project database one can find all project activities of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) including projects on governance, decentralization, local government, institution and capacity building. One can search on keywords, year and project status. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2001 Royal tropical institute (KIT), Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://search.kit.nl/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta.exe?&v:project=kit-website-en&query=keyword%3Adecentralization%20OR%20keyword%3Agovernance%20OR%20keyword%3Apartication&binning-state=8%3d%3dProjects%0a&