Tag: rural development
Empowering the poor : the KALAHI-CIDSS community-driven development project : a toolkit of concepts and cases
Abstract: This paper reports on a community-driven development project in the Philippines that aims to empower communities through their enhanced participation in poverty reduction projects. Stories from the communities illustrate the general outline of the programme objectives and features. Author(s): Parker, Andrew; Sera, Yumi; Bhatnagar, Bhuvan Source(s): , 40 p., ill., maps Published: 2005 World…
The myths and realities of local governance in Sanankoroba, Mali
Abstract: The impact of decentralization on local governance in Mali is examined, using the case of land allocation in the rural municipality of Sanankoroba. Problems include lack of finance, poor accountability, elite capture, corruption, and vote catching. Author(s): Djiré, Moussa Source(s): , Issue paper / Drylands programme, International institute for environment and development (IIED); 130…
Waiting for democracy : the politics of choice in natural resource decentralization
Abstract: This report examines ways in which reforms of decentralization involving natural resources could be designed and implemented in law and in practice to improve their social and environmental outcomes. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse Craig Source(s): , WRI report ix, 140 p., ill., 26 cm WRI report Published: 2004 World resources institute, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN:…
PGIS’s relevance, applicability and conditions in local rural development : a case study with village development planning in Bach Ma national park buffer zone, Vietnam
Abstract: The relevance of participatory GIS (PGIS) for developing countries was examined, especially in relation to village development planning in Vietnam. The need for keeping the local community’s needs in mind is emphasized. The relation of PGIS to rural development is not always straightforward. Author(s): Nguyen Thuy Trang Source(s): , vi, 102 p., ill., graphs,…
Poverty, policies and perceptions in Tanzania : an evaluation of Dutch aid to two district rural development programmes
Abstract: This evaluation examines the extent to which interventions supported by the Netherlands in the framework of the District Rural Development Programmes in Tanzania have addressed the fundamental causes of rural poverty as perceived by the various stakeholders in the programmes. Author(s): Bartelink, Alexander A.; Aarden, Ton Source(s): , IOB evaluations; 296 xii, 171 p.,…
Soutenir la mise en oeuvre de la décentralisation en milieu rural au Mali
Abstract: Author(s): Cissé, Augustin Source(s): , 2 vols, ill., 30 cm Published: 2003 Institut royal des tropiques (KIT), Amsterdam (French ISBN/ISSN: 90-6832-147-1/ Link: http://www.kit.nl/smartsite.shtml?id=SINGLEPUBLICATION&ItemID=1032
Fostering community-driven development : what role for the state?
Abstract: State development strategies for more effectively tapping community-level energies and resources are examined, using case studies from Asia and Latin America. One approach is to form alliances between higher levels of government and communities to put pressure on local authorities. Author(s): Das Gupta, Monica; Grandvoinnet, Helene; Romani, Mattia Source(s): , Policy research working paper;…
Enjeux et viabilité des communes rurales au Burkina Faso
Abstract: This Bulletin focuses on access to land and natural resources, particularly by groups with the least political muscle, and considers the opportunities and risks that rural decentralisation poses for management of these resources at the local level in Burkina Faso and elsewhere in West Africa. Author(s): Bagré, Alain S.; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Baltissen, Gerard…
Environment, livelihoods and local institutions : decentralization in mainland Southeast Asia
Abstract: This report provides an overview of the decentralization of natural resources decision-making and management in mainland Southeast Asia during the past 20 years. Based on seven case studies, the report analyzes the implications of these reforms for upland ecosystems and livelihoods. Author(s): Dupar, Mairi; Badenoch, Nathan; Dang Thanh, Ha Source(s): , v, 77 p.,…