Tag: information technology
E-government implementation and practice in developing countries
Abstract: [Partial preview] This book reports on the current developments with e-government. It discusses m-government, e-governance, e-participation, e-inclusion, and the use of mobile phones and social networking . Many developing countries experience problems with the adoption of e-government systems. Author(s): Mahmood, Zaigham Source(s): , Advances in electronic government, digital divide, and regional development series 420…
Human resources competence in e-government in local government
Abstract: A survey has been conducted to explore the level of competency of IT specialists in managing e-government at the various levels of Kebumen regency government, Indonesia. Current specialists are not up to the task and further training will be required. Author(s): Rokhman, Ali; Priyono, Rawuh Edy Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local…
Crowdsourcing support of land administration : a partnership approach
Abstract: This paper shows how crowdsourcing can solve the security of tenure gap in slums and other social tenure systems through establishing a partnership between land professionals and citizens that would encourage and support citizens to directly capture and maintain information about their land rights. Author(s): McLaren, Robin Source(s): , 18 p., ill. Published: 2012…
The relationship between transparent and participative government : a study of local governments in the United States
Abstract: The article provides public administrators with greater insight into causes of and relationships between transparency and participation. Author(s): Welch, Eric W. Source(s): , International review of administrative sciences; vol. 78, no. 1 p. 93-115, ill., tabs International review of administrative sciences vol. 78, no. 1 Published: 2012 Sage, [S.l.] (English ISBN/ISSN: /1461-7226 Link: http://ras.sagepub.com/content/78/1/93.full
Internet & gouvernance locale : vers une administration et une gouvernance électronique des communes du Bénin
Abstract: With support from the Internet Society (ISOC), the IGL Bénin network aims to promote the use of the Internet for providing public services and to improve the relations between citizens and local governments. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Internet society (ISOC). Benin chapter, [S.l.] (French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.igl-benin.net/
The democratic impact of ICT in Africa
Abstract: This paper develops the so-called “African model of ICT practice”, which proposes a set of hypotheses that aim to enable the effective usage and integration of ICT within the democratic process in the context of an African self-defined political reality. Author(s): Dobra, Alexandra Source(s): Africa Spectrum; 47(2012)1, p. 73-88, ill Africa Spectrum 47(2012)1 Published:…
Mobile technologies and empowerment : enhancing human development through participation and innovation
Abstract: By looking at basic concepts, current trends and real life examples, this primer shows how development practitioners can harness the potential of mobile technologies to improve human development outputs and public services at the local and country level, especially for poor, rural people. Author(s): Zambrano, Raúl; Seward, Ruhiya Kristine Source(s): , 55 p., ill.,…
FreeBalance : modernizing public financial management = modernise la gestion des finances publiques = modernizando el manejo de las finanzas públicas
Abstract: FreeBalance is a global provider of software solutions for public financial management (PFM). PFM is an essential part of the international development process. FreeBalance solutions support government modernization, fiscal decentralization, and public finance reform across all levels of government. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 FreeBalance, Ottawa [etc.] (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.freebalance.com/
Sustaining customary land secretariats for improved interactive land governance in Ghana
Abstract: Capacity building of traditional land governance institutions is increasingly favoured in Africa. In Ghana, 37 customary land secretariats (CLSs) have been established or strengthened with a strong emphasis on IT, but little understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of human-land relationships. Author(s): Bugri, John Source(s): , 28 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 World bank, Washington,…
Modeling customary land tenure within the national land administration using the social tenure domain model (case study Ulayat land in Minangkabau community, West Sumatra, Indonesia)
Abstract: The case of Minangkabau customary law was used to develop an assimilation approach that could accommodate the various systems of customary tenure of Indonesia within the National Land Administration System (NLAS). The Social Tenure Domain Model has been used as a standard to develop this model. Author(s): Guspriadi, Teddi Source(s): , vii, 72 p.,…