Tag: senegal
Repertoires of domination : decentralization as process in Botswana and Senegal
Abstract: The concept of “repertoires of domination” is used to describe the many tactics government ocials and non-state actors use to limit meaningful shifts of authority associated with decentralization related to wildlife management in Botswana and forestry management in Senegal. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R.; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , World development; Vol. 39, No. 3…
Repertoires of domination in decentralization : cases from Botswana and Senegal
Abstract: Government officials, local elites, and commercial interests in Botswana and Senegal have used their so-called repertoires of domination to limit the extent of local-level democratization achieved through the decentralization of natural resource management. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R.; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 36 p. draft Published: 2009 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons…
Authority over forests : empowerment and subordination in Senegal’s democratic decentralization
Abstract: Despite progressive new laws that transfer forest rights to rural councils, the Forest Service in Senegal continue to allocate access to lucrative forest opportunities to charcoal merchants. As a result, the councils cannot represent their populations and therefore cannot gain legitimacy. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): Development and change; 40(2009)1, p. 105-129 Development and…
Analysis of Senegal’s draft forestry code : with special attention to its support for decentralization laws
Abstract: The effects of the Senegal’s Draft Forestry Code of 2009 on decentralization in the forestry sector is analysed. The analysis examines who is gaining what decision-making powers through this proposed reform in comparison with the previous code still in force. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 59 p. Published: 2009 United States agency for…
Center for state & local government excellence
Abstract: The Center for State and Local Government Excellence is a non-partisan, non-profit organization in Washington DC, USA, which helps state and local governments become knowledgeable and competitive employers so they can attract talented, committed, and well-prepared individuals to public service. Author(s): Source(s): , iv, 31 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 Center for state &…
Authority over forests : negotiating democratic decentralization in Senegal
Abstract: This article tells the story of a local council man’s signing of the order to open his rural community’s forests to exploitation by charcoal merchants in Nambaradougou, Senegal. In spite of new legislation, ‘decentralized’ powers remain in the hands of a few merchants and the Forest Service. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , Representation,…
Institutional choice and recognition in the formation and consolidation of local democracy : introduction
Abstract: Following decentralization reforms, governments, international development agencies and large non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been transferring power to a wide range of local institutions, including customary authorities and NGOs to the detriment of the authority of local governments. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C.; Chhatre, Ashwini; Lankina, Tomila V. Source(s): , Conservation and society; vol. 6, no.…
Land governance: building trust : a training programme on transparency in land administration : substantive training report
Abstract: During 2007-2008, a three-day curriculum on transparency in land administration was developed and delivered in four regions in Sub- Saharan Africa: Ghana, Namibia, Tanzania, and Senegal. Subjects included participation, innovation, ethics, and dispute resolution. Author(s): UN-Habitat; UNU; Universiteit Twente Source(s): , 57 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 University of Twente. International institute for geo-information…
Building capacity for decentralized local development in Chad : civil society groups and the role of nonformal adult education
Abstract: The lack of local capacity to capitalize on the potential of decentralization in Chad was investigated and the role that intermediate NGOs are beginning to play for local capacity development in the Sahelian region was examined. Author(s): Liebert, Gary P. Source(s): , viii, 222 p., ill., tabs, 22 cm facs Published: 2007 UMI, Ann…
Engendering exclusion in Senegal’s democratic decentralization : subordinating women through participatory natural resource management
Abstract: A study among the rural population in the Malidino reserve, Senegal, shows that participatory approaches and decentralization are insufficient for ensuring greater gender equity and equality; moreover, they may be exacerbating extant cleavages. Author(s): Bandiaky, Solange Source(s): , Representation, equity and environment working paper; 31 iv, 22 p., ill Representation, equity and environment working…