Tag: tanzania
Forest governance reforms in eastern Africa : a comparative analysis of institutional, livelihood and forest sustainability outcomes
Abstract: Author(s): Banana, A.Y. Source(s): , 29 p., ill., graphs, map, tabs Published: 2010 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons (DLC), [Bloomington, IN (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/dlc/bitstream/handle/10535/7279/1230.pdf
Local government association capacity building : rationale, co-operation practices, and strategies for the future : Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Tanzania
Abstract: The landscape of international co-operation with regard to capacity building of local government associations in Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, and Tanzania is described and the Finnish development policy related to decentralisation is outlined. Author(s): Östman, Kimmo Source(s): , 93 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 Association of Finnish local and regional authorities, Helsinki…
Comparative assessment of decentralization in Africa : final report and summary of findings
Abstract: This comparative study draws lessons from African country experiences with decentralization. Accountability remains mostly upward. In one third public service delivery improved slightly. Capacity remains an issue at all levels of government. Author(s): Dickovick, James Tyler; Beatty Riedl, Rachel Source(s): , iv, 79 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 United States agency for international development…
Local government discretion and accountability : application of a local governance framework
Abstract: The World Bank local governance framework of 2008 is applied to ten countries and two sectors. The countries are Angola, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, India (Kerala), Philippines, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Pakistan (Punjab). The sectors are health and education. Author(s): Yilmaz, Serdar Source(s): , Report / World bank; 49059-GLB viii, 91 p., ill., tabs Report…
What determines the quality of local financial management? : the case of Tanzania
Abstract: Data for local government authorities in Tanzania are used to examine the determinants of effective local financial management in developing economies. Councils with better planning and project implementation practices achieved better local financial management outcomes. Author(s): Boex, Jameson; Muga, Matitu C. Source(s): , IDG working paper; 2009-02 18 p., ill., tabs IDG working paper…
Government through time : participation and poverty reduction in Tanzania
Abstract: This report suggests that villagers in Tanzania, who take part in participatory institutions, are performing citizenship but deflecting responsibility. Years of exposure to development planning in Tanzania have created a high level of scepticism about the likelihood of plans being implemented. Author(s): Green, Maia Source(s): , CPRC working paper; 145 30 p CPRC working…
Decentralisation by devolution in Tanzania : reflections on community involvement in the planning process in Kizota ward in Dodoma
Abstract: Although the government has succeeded in implementing decentralization-by-devolution, its contribution to grassroots planning is still minimal and ineffective. Involvement is often restricted to the implementation of centrally made plans that do not include local priorities. Author(s): Massoi, L.; Norman, A.S. Source(s): , Journal of public administration and policy research; Vol. 1, No. 7 p.…
Assessing the impact of customary land rights registration on credit access by farmers in Tanzania : a case study in Mbozi district
Abstract: The extent to which rural land titling conducted by a customary land administration system has managed to promote poor farmers in accessing credit was examined in Mbozi district, Tanzania. It was found that loans were provided only in areas with high monetary land value and to large-scale farmers. Author(s): Sanga, Romanus Titus Source(s): ,…