Tag: tanzania
Decentralisation and gender : coordination and cooperation on maternal health issues in selected district councils in Tanzania
Abstract: The report is the end product of a project aimed at improving coordination and cooperation Author(s): Schanke, Liss; Lange, Siri Source(s): , CMI report; R 2008:9 viii, 54 p., ill., 30 cm CMI report R 2008:9 Published: 2008 Chr. Michelsen institute (CMI), Bergen (English ISBN/ISSN: 978-82-8062-297-6/0805-505X Link: http://www.cmi.no/publications/file/?3145=decentralisation-and-gender
Lessons learned from Norway’s support for decentralisation and local government reform in developing countries
Abstract: The Norwegian participation in a number of local development and local governance programmes and projects over the past 20 years is analysed. Part 1 of the report summarises experiences across all the selected programmes and presents a synthesised overview of lessons learned. Author(s): Aasen, Berit Source(s): , Norad report : discussion; 22a 66 p…
Disparities exist in citizens’ perceptions of service delivery by local government authorities in Tanzania
Abstract: This brief compares Tanzanian citizens’ perceptions of service delivery by local government authorities between 2003 and 2006; summarising their perceptions of the overall quality of local services, as well as their satisfaction with services in the three key sectors of education, health and water. Author(s): Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Katera, Lucas; Ngalewa, Erasto Source(s): , REPOA…
Decentralisation and poverty reduction : a review of the linkages in Tanzania and the international literature
Abstract: The Local Government Reform Programme in Tanzania is analysed. It is shown that the service-delivery role of local government was strengthened. Enhanced grass-roots democracy and participation of the poor have led to improved local finances for poverty-reducing measures. Author(s): Braathen, Einar Source(s): , Norad report : discussion; 22b 56 p., ill., tabs Norad report…
Land governance: building trust : a training programme on transparency in land administration : substantive training report
Abstract: During 2007-2008, a three-day curriculum on transparency in land administration was developed and delivered in four regions in Sub- Saharan Africa: Ghana, Namibia, Tanzania, and Senegal. Subjects included participation, innovation, ethics, and dispute resolution. Author(s): UN-Habitat; UNU; Universiteit Twente Source(s): , 57 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 University of Twente. International institute for geo-information…
Outsourcing revenue collection : experiences from local government authorities in Tanzania
Abstract: This brief examines recent experiences with privatized revenue collection in seven urban and rural councils in Tanzania, with particular focus on the outsourcing of revenue collection to private agents. Author(s): Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Katera, Lucas; Ngalewa, Erasto Source(s): , REPOA brief; 10 7 p., ill., tabs REPOA brief 10 Published: 2008 Research on poverty alleviation…
Local autonomy and citizen participation in Tanzania : from a local government reform perspective
Abstract: Author(s): Chaligha, Amon Source(s): , Special paper / Research on poverty alleviation (REPOA); 08.26 xi, 31 p., ill., maps, tabs Special paper / Research on poverty alleviation (REPOA) 08.26 Published: 2008 Mkuki na Nyota, Dar es Salaam (English ISBN/ISSN: 978-9987-08-001-4/ Link: http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/Publications/Special%20Paper%20No.%2008.26.pdf
Public sector reforms in Africa and the quest for democratic developmentalism in Africa
Abstract: Subjects include: (1) pitfalls of decentralization reforms in Uganda (2) prospects for improved service delivery in Uganda (3) privatization of water and sanitation services in Kenya. Author(s): Edigheji, Omano Source(s): , Africa development; vol. 33, no. 4 (special issue) , ill., tabs Africa development vol. 33, no. 4 (special issue) Published: 2008 Council for…
Why women succeed in local politics : the role of the informal to access leadership positions in Tanzania
Abstract: Local government reform in Tanzania focuses on good governance and decentralization to strengthen decision making at the district level. Women are seriously underrepresented. It was found that a history of community activism and leadership had a positive effect on the formal party selection process. Author(s): Francis, Annie Source(s): , SNV publications; H0702-03 24 p.,…
Community views on health sector reform and their participation in health priority setting : case of Lushoto and Muheza districts, Tanzania
Abstract: Health sector reform in Tanzania by decentralization may not meet the desired health needs unless the performance of existing health structures is enhanced while popular trust and participation in the health sector programmes at all levels is increased. Author(s): Mubyazi, Godfrey M. Source(s): , Journal of public health; Vol. 29, No. 2 p. 147-156,…