Author: kitrdlg
PREMnotes : from the Poverty Reduction and Economic Network / World Bank
Abstract: The PREM (Poverty Reduction and Economic Management) note series is intended to summarize good practice and key policy findings on Economic Policy, Gender, Governance and Public Sector Reform and Poverty. Author(s): World Bank Published: World Bank, Washington, DC Link:
Post-2015 global development agenda : making the case for decentralisation and local governance
Abstract: Decentralization and local governance (DLG) need to be integrated in the post-2015 framework as a ‘strategic enabler’. DLG play a role in providing basic services and addressing inequalities, food insecurity, urbanization, youth unemployment, climate change, conflict and insecurity. Author(s): Awortwi, Nicholas Source(s): , DeLoG working paper; 2 ix, 30 p., ill., graphs, tabs DeLoG…
Prevalence and determinants of unintended pregnancy among women in Nairobi, Kenya
Abstract: The results indicate the need for effective programs and strategies to increase access to contraceptive services and related education, information and communication among the study population, particularly among the young and unmarried women. Author(s): Ikamari, Lawrence; Izugbara, Chimaraoke; Ochako, Rhoune Source(s): , BMC Pregnancy and childbirth; vol. 13, no. 69 9 p., ill., tabs…
Decentralization and popular democracy : governance from below in Bolivia
Abstract: This website provides access to the chapter summaries, primary data, and the full Spanish translation of Faguet’s book on Decentralization and Popular Democracy, which examines the long-term effect of decentralization on democracy, public services, and accountability, using the case of Bolivia. Author(s): LSE Source(s): , Published: 2013 London school of economics and political science…
A systems approach to community engaged solid waste management in Todos Santos Cuchumatán, Guatemala
Abstract: The systemic aspects of solid waste management (SWM) challenges in Todos Santos, Guatemala, were investigated using a participatory systems approach. Leverage points were identified and targeted in 4 future scenarios that will be implemented step by step, following a community-defined vision for SWM Author(s): Marshall, Rachael Source(s): , xvii, 237 p., ill., graphs, tabs…
Socio-economic status and participatory development in Kenya
Abstract: Constituency Development Funds (CDFs) dedicate public money to benefit “grassroots” subdivisions through decisions influenced by their representatives in parliament. This paper analyses the influence of socio-economic factors on household participation in CDF poverty alleviation projects in Kenya. Author(s): Kinyanjui, Kariuki David; Josephine, Misaro Source(s): , International journal of humanities and sociel science; Vol. 3,…
The effects of social and institutional structures on decision-making and benefit distribution of community forestry in Nepal
Abstract: Participatory democracy has been an official part of community forestry (CF) in Nepal since 1989. This study investigates the potential for the poor and disadvantaged to hold positions of power in CF institutions, and whether better representation has a positive impact on equity. Author(s): Yadav, Bhagwan Dutta Source(s): , xiv, 196 p., ill., graphs,…
Decentralization and sub-national governance : a section of the Latin American studies association
Abstract: The Decentralization and Sub-national Governance section of the Latin American Studies Association promotes scholarship, collaboration, and conversation on topics relating to politics at the subnational levels and between levels of government in Latin America. Author(s): University Of Pittsburgh Source(s): , Published: 2013 University of Pittsburgh. Latin American studies association (LASA), Pittsburgh, PA (English ISBN/ISSN:…