Tag: civil society
Citizen voice and state accountability : towards theories of change that embrace contextual dynamics
Abstract: The question of ‘what works under what circumstances’ informs this study of citizen voice and accountability in different governance contexts in Africa. One key factor is finding the right incentives to mobilize citizens’ voice while also generating incentives for government institutions. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Working paper / Overseas development institute; 343 vi,…
Localising aid : can using local actors strengthen them?
Abstract: This paper analyses whether a Paris-style transfer of aid to and through local government systems is working, and whether an analogous approach might also be appropriate for non-state actors from the private sector and civil society. Author(s): Glennie, Jonathan; Ali, Ahmed Source(s): , Working paper / Overseas development institute; 352 xiii, 41 p., ill.,…
Democratic accountability in service delivery : a synthesis of case studies
Abstract: Formal democratic channels for accountability in service delivery are subject to a number of challenges, including weak political institutions. In the light of such a deficit, most of the studies in this paper have a narrow focus on the role of civil society organizations in advancing accountability Author(s): Jelmin, Kristina Source(s): , 23 p.,…
Donor obligation for public sector reform in Nepal
Abstract: A study of donor support for better governance in Nepal reveals that financial and policy support is highly necessary for strengthening local authorities and civil society organizations. Local authorities are the best performers of good governance among development actors in Nepal. Author(s): Adhikari, Ganesh P. Source(s): , Journal of public administration and governance; Vol.…
Periodization of South African local government reformation since 1994 : (im)perfect democratic transition
Abstract: This paper traces the different periods from the colonial and apartheid era to the current democratic situation. It addresses the question to what extent developmental local government can be instrumental towards building active, inclusive citizenship within democratic governance context. Author(s): Tshishonga, Ndwakhulu; Dipholo, Kenneth Source(s): , p. 500-517, ill., tabs Published: 2012 International conference…
The contribution of youth associations towards community development in Igabi local government areas of Kaduna state, North-western, Nigeria
Abstract: Youth associations clearly contribute towards community development in a local government area in Nigeria. Although poorly financed, they not only help improve the standard of living in the area, but also contribute to political awareness and mobilize people on the importance of community efforts. Author(s): Ango, A.K. Source(s): , Continental journal of agricultural economics;…
Strengthening citizen demand for good governance : making it happen through Liu Lathu pilot projects in Malawi
Abstract: This paper draws lessons from case studies of governance and transparency projects which are being implemented by various civil society and media organizations aimed at strengthening citizen demand and accountability in Malawi. Capacity building and theory of change approaches are reviewed. Author(s): Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine; Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Mwananchi working paper; 2 43…
Open government partnership
Abstract: In order to participate in OGP, governments must exhibit a demonstrated commitment to open government at local and national level in four key areas: (1) fiscal transparency; (2) access to information; (3) public disclosure for elected or senior public officials; and (4) citizen engagement. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Open government partnership (OGP), [S.l.]…
The democratic impact of ICT in Africa
Abstract: This paper develops the so-called “African model of ICT practice”, which proposes a set of hypotheses that aim to enable the effective usage and integration of ICT within the democratic process in the context of an African self-defined political reality. Author(s): Dobra, Alexandra Source(s): Africa Spectrum; 47(2012)1, p. 73-88, ill Africa Spectrum 47(2012)1 Published:…
The roles of civil society organizations in enhancing grassroots democracy in Vietnam : a research paper
Abstract: The role of civil society in enhancing grassroots democracy in Vietnam is assessed. Grassroots democracy and civil society in Vietnam have little autonomy in the sense that they are still under the state’s control and monitoring. Author(s): Nguyen Huyen Thuy Nhien Source(s): , 59 p., ill. Published: 2012 Erasmus [university Rotterdam]. International institute of…