Tag: community participation
Rights, responsibilities and resources : examining community forestry in south Asia
Abstract: This paper shows that decentralized management of forests can reduce forest loss in developing countries. It also suggests that clarity over rights, local monitoring and recognition of differences in intra-community needs are issues that require policy support to meet livelihood expectations. Author(s): Shyamsundar, Priya; Ghate, Rucha Source(s): , SANDEE working papers; WP 59-11 16…
Community-driven development in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas : experiences from east Asia : background paper for the 2011 World development report
Abstract: This paper provides a framework for assessing the impacts of (Community-Driven Development) CDD projects in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas. A major set of challenges relates to the impact of violent conflict on the capacity and legitimacy of institutions at multiple levels. Author(s): Barron, Patrick Source(s): , Discussion papers / World bank vi, 31 p.,…
Public service transformation : implications for poverty reduction in South Africa
Abstract: The author questions the relationship between the poor and institutions transformed by the NPM (New Public Management) paradigm with its emphasis on service delivery. For effective poverty alleviation, elite capture must be countered by the conscious promotion of community governance. Author(s): Mubangizi, B.C. Source(s): , Politeia; Vol. 30, No. 3 p. 74-90 Politeia Vol.…
Councillor’s orientation : reference manual
Abstract: This manual of the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Zambia, provides councillors and council officials with a clear understanding of governance, budgeting, planning, implementation, and monitoring. It is intended to enhance transparency and accountabity. Author(s): Zambia Source(s): , ii, 151 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 Local government association of Zambia (LGAZ), [Lusaka…
BRAC’s non-formal primary education programme : scope, growth, achievements and factors contributing to its success
Abstract: This article describes the non-formal primary education (NFPE) programme, which has evolved in Bangladesh since 1985 and is now replicated in Afghanistan, Sudan and Uganda. It fills the gap between adult functional literacy programmes and government schools, involving poor, mostly rural communities. Author(s): Aldeen, Mahmuda Source(s): , [15] p., ill., tab Published: 2011 Informasi…
African centre for citizenship & democracy
Abstract: The African Centre on Citizenship and Democracy (ACCEDE) studies the factors and policy environments which support or inhibit the development of a more inclusive citizenship in the region and continent. It replaces the Centre for Southern African Studies. Author(s): University Of The Western Cape Source(s): , Published: 2011 University of the Western Cape. School…
Reshaping institutions : evidence on aid impacts using a pre-analysis plan
Abstract: Minority participation requirements were imposed in the GoBifo “community driven development” project in Sierra Leone to make local institutions more egalitarian. This enhanced local public goods provision in the short run, but had no effect to durably reshape local institutions. Author(s): Casey, Katherine; Glennerster, Rachel; Miguel, Edward Source(s): , 42 p., ill., tabs new…
Third national program for community empowerment in rural areas (PNPM-rural)
Abstract: Rural PNPM Mandiri is a core part of PNPM Mandiri and is developed from the Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) launched in 1998. The Rural PNPM Mandiri overall objective is to reduce poverty and improve local-level governance in rural areas of Indonesia, using a participatory planning process. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World…
Toolkit on accountable and transparent service delivery at a local level : about participatory mechanisms and civil society interventions
Abstract: The toolkit provides its readers with practical examples and useful tools and tips on how to include participatory mechanisms in the daily work of local governments and civil society organizations with a view to increase accountability and transparency. Author(s): Starovlah, Vanja; Premovic, Dijana Source(s): , 51 p., ill. Published: 2011 Ministry of foreign affairs…
Improving educational quality through enhancing community participation : results from a randomised field experiment in Indonesia
Abstract: The effect of four approaches to strengthening school committees and subsequently improving learning outcomes in public primary schools in Indonesia was evaluated. Linkage (= facilitated collaboration between the school committee and the village council) was found to be the most cost effective. Author(s): Pradhan, Menno Source(s): , 48 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011…