Tag: development assistance
Post-2015 global development agenda : making the case for decentralisation and local governance
Abstract: Decentralization and local governance (DLG) need to be integrated in the post-2015 framework as a ‘strategic enabler’. DLG play a role in providing basic services and addressing inequalities, food insecurity, urbanization, youth unemployment, climate change, conflict and insecurity. Author(s): Awortwi, Nicholas Source(s): , DeLoG working paper; 2 ix, 30 p., ill., graphs, tabs DeLoG…
The sustainability of community participation activities in pre-university education : case study on developing the board of trustees
Abstract: Since the 1990s, the government of Egypt attempts to improve the quality of education by way of decentralization . Donors assist by strengthening the role of the Board of trustees in schools to promote community participation. This was effective, but the effect dropped off after donor withdrawal. Author(s): Megeed, Hebatallah Yehia Abdel Source(s): ,…
ILS LEDA : International links and services for local economic development agencies : for human, fair and sustainable development
Abstract: ILS LEDA is a Eurada program which supports local, national and international organizations to enhance local economies. It is considered an effective international organizations in dealing with Local Economic Development Agencies (LEDA). It disseminates tools for LEDA management and operation. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 International links and services for local economic development agencies…
Urban institute Center on international development and governance : nonpartisan economic and social policy research
Abstract: The Urban Institute Center on International Development and Governance (IDG) improves opportunities for citizens in developing countries by providing research and aid focused on local government, delivery and financing of public services, and the interactions with firms and citizens. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2013 Urban institute, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.urban.org/center/idg/about/
Role of local government on REDD+ implementation in Indonesia : case study of central Kalimantan as REDD+ pilot province
Abstract: A provincial pilot study in Indonesia revealed that REDD+ can empower forest communities and enhance forest carbon storage at the same time. However, land-use planning regulations present considerable challenges. Author(s): Wicaksono, Dian Agung; Santosa, Wahyu Yun Source(s): , p. 56-64 Published: 2012 International conference on local government] (ICLG), [S.l. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.iclg.in.th/Proceedings/08_005%20Dian%20Agung%20Wicaksono,%20Wahyu%20Yun%20Santosa.pdf
UCLG policy statement : local government and development cooperation
Abstract: Strong and effective local government are critical to ensuring democratic , prosperous and safe communities and in resolving developmental challenges at the local, national, regional and global level. Local governments and their associations must be strengthened to play their developmental role. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , [3] p. Published: 2012 United cities and local governments…
The Hunger project : empowering women and men to end their own hunger
Abstract: The Hunger Project carries out its mission through three activities: mobilizing village clusters at the grassroots level to build self-reliance, empowering women as key change agents, and forging effective partnerships with local government. Author(s): The Hunger Project Source(s): , Published: 2012 The Hunger project, New York, NY (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.thp.org/
Efficiency of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education and road sectors : implications for decentralisation and the effectiveness of budget support
Abstract: This study examines the scope for improving the operational efficiency of public financial management (PFM) in sub-Saharan African countries, using the case of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education, and road sectors. Author(s): Leiderer, Stefan Source(s): , Studies / German development institute; 71 304 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Studies / German development…
FLOW : Funding leadership and opportunities for women
Abstract: Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women (FLOW) is a fund that has been set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. It finances 34 projects focusing on security, economic self-reliance and political participation in more than 100 countries. Author(s): Netherlands Source(s): , Published: 2012 Ministry of foreign affairs of the Netherlands,…