Tag: development projects
Inclusive local governance for poverty reduction : a review of policies and practices
Abstract: IDS reviewed 11 cases studies of donors worldwide to analyse how and when donor policies and initiatives for social inclusion in local governance processes and institutions really work to improve the lives of the poor. Author(s): Mejía Acosta, Andrés; Clark, Julia Source(s): , 48 p., ill. Published: 2010 Swiss agency for development and cooperation…
The impact and effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives : a review of the evidence to date : synthesis report
Abstract: This report distils findings from reviews of transparency and accountability initiatives in the areas of public service delivery, budget processes, freedom of information, natural resource governance and aid transparency. Author(s): McGee, Rosemary; Gaventa, John; Barrett, Greg Source(s): , 53 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 University of Sussex]. Institute of development studies (IDS), [Brighton (English…
Decentralisation, democracy and allocation of poverty alleviation programmes in rural India
Abstract: A study of the effect of devolution on poverty alleviation programmes in Indian villages at household level indicates that the resources were captured by the local elite after decentralization, that is, decentralization did not necessarily contribute to the improvement of the welfare of the poor. Author(s): Sato, Takahiro; Imai, Katsushi S. Source(s): , BWPI…
Decentralized local governments as a modality for post-conflict recovery and development : an emerging natural experiment in northern Uganda
Abstract: The main features and potential impact of five post-conflict programmes in northern Uganda are compared to assess to what extent each program engages local governments in an effective manner and whether local governments can serve as an effective public service delivery modality. Author(s): Boex, Jamie; Kimble, Deborah; Pigey, Juliana Source(s): , IDG working paper;…
A guide to UNDP democratic governance practice
Abstract: This document guides readers to the policies and strategies of UNDP in its work on democratic governance, including decentralization and local governance, Examples give a taste of work on the ground and resources indicate where you can find more information. Author(s): Achar, Asmara Lua; Førde, Bjørn Source(s): , 134 p., ill. Published: 2010 United…
Sharing experience : enhancing the benefits to communities from extractive industry projects
Abstract: In the first part of this 2-h video, Dan Owen, Program Coordinator for Community Driven Development at the World Bank, gives an overview of the Bank’s practices. Author(s): Owen, Dan Source(s): , 1:59 min., ill. Published: 2009 Sustainable community development fund (CommDev), [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2929743005347131557#
Building responsibility for the delivery of government services (BRIDGE) : FY 2009 annual report (December 9, 2008 – September 30, 2009
Abstract: The Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government Services (BRIDGE) project in South Sudan aims to enhance the capacity of local government to plan, manage and provide services, and to improve relationships between local governments and their constituents. Author(s): Corps, Mercy Source(s): , 57 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2009 USAID Sudan. BRIDGE, Khartoum…
The Community development carbon fund (CDCF) : assessment of community benefits and sustainable development
Abstract: The Community Development Carbon Fund (CDCF) supports projects that measurably benefit poor communities and generate verified Kyoto-compliant emission reductions. The CDCF also emphasizes community dialogue, participation, and local government involvement. Author(s): Sen, Aditi Source(s): , 34 p., ill., graph, tabs Published: 2009 World bank. Community development carbon fund (CDCF), Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Local governance institutions for sustainable natural resource management in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger
Abstract: Experiences with natural resources management for the purpose of food and income generation are analysed, using cases from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Particular attention is paid to customary arrangements, projects interventions, and decentralization. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , KIT working papers series; G1 iii, 25 p., ill., tabs KIT working papers series…
Giving local government a more central place in development : an examination of donor support for decentralisation
Abstract: Funding is critical for running local governments, and calls for fiscal decentralization and aligned donor support. Capacity building is needed for all those involved in the process at all levels. Specific attention has to be paid to empowering the poor in local communities. Author(s): Nibbering, Jan Willem; Swart, Rolf Source(s): , [A rich menu…