Tag: development strategies
Peoples’ empowerment through democratic decentralization in India
Abstract: There is substantial evidence that basic public services and programmes meant for the poor and marginalized function inefficiently in India, especially in the poorer states. Delivery will not improve in India unless the process simultaneously empowers the poor, including women. Author(s): Saxena, N.C. Source(s): , 78 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 National council of…
Making decentralization work : democracy, development, and security
Abstract: This introductory chapter to a collection of essays provides an excellent overview of how decentralization may both enhance and undermine democracy, development, and security. Decentralization appeals flexibly to actors who are motivated by very different goals. Author(s): Connerley, Ed; Eaton, Kent; Smoke, Paul J. Source(s): , viii, 263 p., ill., tabs, 24 cm Published:…
Local and community driven development : moving to scale in theory and practice
Abstract: This publication provides development practitioners with the historical background and the tools required to successfully scale up local and community driven development (LCDD) to the regional and national levels. Author(s): Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P.; Regt, Jacomina P. De; Spector, Stephen Source(s): , New frontiers of social policy xxii, 248 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs New…
When does rigorous impact evaluation make a difference? : the case of the Millennium villages
Abstract: Rigorous evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) shows that estimates of the project’s effects depend heavily on the evaluation method. Weaknesses include the subjective choice of intervention sites. Inexpensive improvements are suggested. Author(s): Clemens, Michael A.; Demombynes, Gabriel Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 5477 51 p., ill., graphs, tabs Policy research working…
Public management as a social science or a business subject in a University of technology : inaugural address
Abstract: Is public management a social science or a business subject? This question is discussed with reference to curriculation at universities in South Africa. To better reflect its development orientation, the discipline should be presented as a social science to improve government’s service to society. Author(s): Ballard, Harry Source(s): , Business papers and reports; 29…
Reforming the Malawian public sector : retrospectives and prospectives
Abstract: This book examines decentralization, performance contracting, and public–private partnerships as key aspects of failed donor-induced public sector reforms in Malawi, using the case of the 2005/6 fertilizer subsidy programme. Author(s): Tambulasi, Richard I.C. Source(s): , CODESRIA book series vi, 110 p., ill., 24 cm CODESRIA book series Published: 2010 Council for the development of…
Beyond the midpoint : achieving the Millennium development goals
Abstract: This report highlights those policies, programmes, and governance practices that have had demonstrable impacts on improving the capabilities and well-being of the poor. And it underscores the need for accountability, transparency and responsiveness of institutions and for inclusive participation. Author(s): Seth, Anuradha Source(s): , xv, 156 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 United nations…
Poverty eradication, Millennium development goals and sustainable development in Nigeria
Abstract: This paper analyses the effect of eradicating poverty in Nigeria via the instrumentality of the MDGs and concludes that government at various levels must come up with genuine poverty reduction programmes if the challenges of poverty must be tackled. Author(s): Anger, Barnes Source(s): , Journal of sustainable development; Vol. 3, No. 4 p. 138-144,…
Millennium development goals (MDGs) and accessibility levels to potable water supply in rural areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Abstract: Progress towards full access to potable water supply in rural areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, is insufficient to meet the Millennium Goals by 2015. One of the recommendations is for the Niger Delta Development Commission to decentralize for better monitoring and coordination of current projects. Author(s): Atser, Jacob; Akpan, P.A. Source(s): , Journal…