Tag: economic development
The state of Ghana’s local government system : the case of assembly members
Abstract: This paper discusses some of the weaknesses of Ghana’s local government system, in particular the issues affecting the local development operations of Assembly Members. Their many challenges require national civic education and constitutional amendments to address. Author(s): Adusei-Asante, Kwadwo Source(s): , Inkanyiso : journal of humanities and social sciences; Vol. 4, No. 2 p.…
Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security
Abstract: These voluntary guidelines assist in improving the governance of tenure, and thus contribute to alleviating hunger and poverty, empowering the poor and vulnerable, enhancing the environment, supporting national and local economic development, and reforming public administration. Author(s): FAO Source(s): , vi, 40 p., 25 cm Published: 2012 Food and agriculture organization of the United…
Local government and local development : bridging the gap through critical discourse : evidence from the Commonwealth Caribbean
Abstract: This paper discusses: (1) the institutional and organisational imperatives of a developmental role for local government; and (2) the extent to which these imperatives have been addressed in reform. Generally, local government must be linked more consistently with a local development strategy. Author(s): Schoburgh, Eris D. Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG);…
The Hague academy for local governance : programme 2012
Abstract: The Hague Academy for Local Governance offers open enrolment courses, tailor-made training programmes, study visits and masterclasses on participation, accountability, fiscal issues, local economic development, peacebuilding, (female) leadership, climate change, and water management. Author(s): Klokke, Rebke Source(s): , 35 p., ill. Published: 2011 Hague academy for local governance, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Energising local economies : an overview : conference report
Abstract: The need for establishing national local economic development (LED) frameworks was emphasized. LED not only can help reduce poverty and deliver the MDGs, but also creates a climate for partnership and inward investment that is vital to all communities to improve local livelihoods. Author(s): Rhodes, Sue Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG);…
Non-state actors and local authorities in development
Abstract: This thematic programme “Non-state actors and local authorities in development” aims at encouraging non-state actors and local authorities, both from the EU and in developing countries, to get more involved in development issues. It is a programme of the DG EuropeAid Development and Cooperation. Author(s): EU Source(s): , Published: 2011 European commission (EC), Brussels…
Energising local economies : local economic development around the Commonwealth : background discussion paper
Abstract: This paper considers the status of local economic development (LED) across the Commonwealth and reviews the context of globalization, the community leadership role of local government, and the increasing expectations and demands of local communities for services and support around. Author(s): Reddy, Purshottama; Wallis, Malcolm Source(s): , 29 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Commonwealth…
Blurring the boundaries : citizen action across states and societies : a summary of findings from a decade of collaborative research on citizen engagement
Abstract: This report argues that the ‘good governance’ agenda is due for a citizen-led upheaval: citizens can in fact galvanize and lead fundamental governance reform themselves. It also suggests how best to formulate context-specific strategies for pursuing a citizen-led development agenda. Author(s): Benequista, Nicholas; Gaventa, John Source(s): , [52] p., ill. Published: 2011 Development research…
Municipal local economic development and the multiplier effect : piloting a community enterprise identification method in South Africa and Namibia
Abstract: Each local economy is unique, and has its own opportunities. The ’Plugging the Leaks’ method recognizes that communities themselves know best how money enters and exits their area. By working collectively to improve their local economy, local communities are able to re-circulate cash internally. Author(s): Heideman, Lucienne Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance…