Tag: food security
Land governance : Governance assessment portal (GAP)
Abstract: Major inter-governmental institutions collaborate to produce a harmonized set of land indicators. These involve measures of governance and administration, distribution and access, functioning markets and investments, and tenure security indicators in rural and urban areas. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , Published: 2011 United nations development programme (UNDP), [New York, NY] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.gaportal.org/areas-of-governance/land-governance
Kenya : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in Kenya, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , [8] p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Land governance for equitable and…
Mali : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in Mali, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , 7 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Land governance for equitable and…
Agr[ar]ian change below the radar screen : rising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in west Africa : what are the implications for food production and smallholder farming?
Abstract: A 2010 survey in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger determined the scale of land acquisition by domestic investors in West Africa. Most acquisitions took place after 2000. Most investors are urban. Formal tenure on customary land is difficult. A move to involve smallholders should be encouraged. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nelen, Joost; Traoré,…
Mozambique : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in Mozambique, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , 8 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Land governance for equitable and…
Pursuing the MDGs through local government : thematic annex
Abstract: During the Global Forum on Local Development of October 2010 a number of themes was discussed, including the role of local governments in: (1) service delivery; (2) state-building and democratization in post conflict settings; (3) food security; (4) poverty reduction; and (5) economic development. Author(s): Baert, Théofiel Source(s): , 53 p., ill., tabs Published:…
Land grab or development opportunity? : agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa
Abstract: The first detailed study of large scale land acquisitions in Africa analyses the modalities and likely impacts. highlighting the possible opportunities if things are managed well and warns of the risks to food security and rural development if contracts are not properly negotiated and enforced. Author(s): Cotula, Lorenzo Source(s): , viii, 120 p., ill.,…
Outsourcing’s third wave : buying farmland abroad
Abstract: The fear of rising food prices and trade bans have prompted rich food importers from the Middle East and China to acquire vast tracts of poor countries’ farmland. Is this beneficial foreign investment or neocolonialism? Author(s): Source(s): , The Economist [4] p., ill., graph, map, photogr The Economist Published: 2009 Economist newspaper, London (English…
Rural livelihoods, poverty reduction, and food security in Southern Africa : is CBNRM the answer?
Abstract: This paper focuses on the socio-economic benefits of community-based natural resource management and its contributions to rural livelihoods, its impact on poverty and food security, and a comparison with other land use and development options. Author(s): Arntzen, Jaap; Setlhogile, Tshepo; Barnes, Jon Source(s): , v, 35 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 International resources…