Tag: forest management
The effects of social and institutional structures on decision-making and benefit distribution of community forestry in Nepal
Abstract: Participatory democracy has been an official part of community forestry (CF) in Nepal since 1989. This study investigates the potential for the poor and disadvantaged to hold positions of power in CF institutions, and whether better representation has a positive impact on equity. Author(s): Yadav, Bhagwan Dutta Source(s): , xiv, 196 p., ill., graphs,…
Decentralization and deforestation : the moderating role of polycentric governance
Abstract: Cases from Peru and Bolivia show that decentralization has an ambiguous effect on forest cover change. However, polycentric governance, which is equally common in decentralized and centralized regimes, has a stronger, positive effect on forest conservation in decentralized settings. Author(s): Wright, Glenn D. Source(s): , 35 p., ill., graphs, tabs draft Published: 2012 International…
Role of local government on REDD+ implementation in Indonesia : case study of central Kalimantan as REDD+ pilot province
Abstract: A provincial pilot study in Indonesia revealed that REDD+ can empower forest communities and enhance forest carbon storage at the same time. However, land-use planning regulations present considerable challenges. Author(s): Wicaksono, Dian Agung; Santosa, Wahyu Yun Source(s): , p. 56-64 Published: 2012 International conference on local government] (ICLG), [S.l. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.iclg.in.th/Proceedings/08_005%20Dian%20Agung%20Wicaksono,%20Wahyu%20Yun%20Santosa.pdf
Is decentralization leading to real decision-making power for forest-dependent communities? : case studies from Mexico and Brazil
Abstract: This study uses case studies of community forestry in Brazil and Mexico to examine the amount of decisionmaking power communities and smallholders have received over forest resources. Despite heavy regulation of extraction, communities have increasing control over day-to-day forest management. Author(s): Hajjar, Reem F.; Kozak, Robert A.; Innes, John L. Source(s): , Ecology and…
IFLEA : Institutions for forest resource and livelihood management in east African forest landscapes
Abstract: The objective of IFLEA is to strengthen research capacities to better understand the role of institutions and institutional change for sustainable natural resource management and livelihoods in East African forest landscapes, specifically Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Institutions for forest resource and livelihood management in east African forest landscapes…
Devolution of forest rights and sustainable forest management : learning from two decades of implementation
Abstract: The factors driving or hindering forest policy reform in 16 developing countries are identified. Two factors explain the lack of progress in devolving rights: (1) conflicts of forest reform laws; and (2) the failure of agencies to realign their missions in support of rights devolution. Author(s): Lawry, Steven; McLain, Rebecca Source(s): , 29 p.,…
Rights, responsibilities and resources : examining community forestry in south Asia
Abstract: This paper shows that decentralized management of forests can reduce forest loss in developing countries. It also suggests that clarity over rights, local monitoring and recognition of differences in intra-community needs are issues that require policy support to meet livelihood expectations. Author(s): Shyamsundar, Priya; Ghate, Rucha Source(s): , SANDEE working papers; WP 59-11 16…
Module 15: Using ICT to improve forest governance
Abstract: This module of the ICT in Agriculture sourcebook uses the World Bank Framework for Forest Governance to assess the potential of ICT applications to address different aspects of forest governance. Topics include transparency, accountability, public participation and forest administration. Author(s): Castrén, Tuukka; Pillai, Madhavi Source(s): , [30] p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 World bank.…
Decentralization and community forest management in Burkina Faso : constraints and challenges
Abstract: This study examines the constraints of a decentralizing, participatory forest management program in Burkina Faso. Forest management groups found their authority weakened by limited local competence and a lack of transparency and accountability. Author(s): Coulibaly-Lingani, P. Source(s): , International forestry review; vol. 13, no. 4 p. 476-486 International forestry review vol. 13, no. 4…
CIPEC : Center for the study of institutions, population and environmental change
Abstract: CIPEC studies processes of change in forest environments as mediated by institutional arrangements, demographic factors, and other major human driving forces. CIPEC activities include interdisciplinary training and research. Its focus is on the Western Hemisphere. Author(s): Indiana University Source(s): , Published: 2011 Indiana university, Bloomington, IN [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.indiana.edu/~cipec/