Tag: guidelines
Establishing a local government association (LGA)
Abstract: A practical, easy-reference manual designed to help prepare for and create a LGA. For local government leaders, members of decentralisation task forces and ministries of local government. Author(s): Dakoli-Wilson, Alba; Rroji, Arton; Wiggers, Arthur Source(s): , 54 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 VNG international, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.vng-international.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/publicationsAndTools/Establishing_LGA_Engels.pdf
Internal management, a process of change : for managers, elected officials, and organizations
Abstract: A handbook with practical exercises and techniques for local government managers and politicians. Topics include among others changing internal management, time and problem analysis, the manager’s role, planning and objective setting, performance appraisal and communication. Author(s): Little, Anthony P.; Twaalfhoven, Malinda; Zaal, Janneke Source(s): , 53 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 VNG international, The…
The role of local government in local economic development : a step-by-step approach developed by VNG international
Abstract: The approach consists of six phases, and provides a logical progression from the situation in which there is no organized structure for Local Economic Development to more advanced programmes. Especially suited for local governments that are able to provide basic infrastructure and support services. Author(s): Budds, Jim; Swart, Rolf; Hertogs, Erik-Jan Source(s): , 53…
Service provision by a local government association (LGA)
Abstract: A guide on how to decide which services to deliver, how to deliver them and how service delivery can improve the association’s performance. Author(s): Haeften, Ewout Van; Seelt, Barbara Source(s): , 32 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 VNG international, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.vng-international.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/publicationsAndTools/Service_Provision_Engels.pdf
The most frequent controversies on territorial economic development
Abstract: This toolkit for local economic development (LED) agencies intends to provide a synthetic guide to the main controversies, that LED policy makers encounter in their daily task. It provides a response to questions such as “How to decide about the organization of the services?” Author(s): Source(s): , ILS LEDA tool kit; 2 27 p…
Participatory local development planning : a guide for municipalities in southern Ecuador : local government
Abstract: As a result of the process of decentralization, poor municipalities in Southern Ecuador are now required to draw up their own local development plans, specifying policies, strategies and programmes. This guide shares its experiences in formulating the plans and introducing a participatory process. Author(s): Weer, Erik Van; Bustamante, Manuel; Solorzano, Vicente Source(s): , [5]…
Local economic development : a primer : developing and implementing local economic development strategies and action plans
Abstract: Developed as a World Bank resource to assist communities to develop local economic development strategies, this Local Economic Development Primer has been prepared for towns, cities and communities that are new to LED and that wish to help their local economies grow. Author(s): Swinburn, Gwen; Goga, Soraya; Murphy, Fergus Source(s): , vii, 83 p.,…
Briefing note on mainstreaming gender equality in decentralisation, public administration reform and local development
Abstract: This brief concept focuses on mainstreaming gender equality in three processes: decentralization; public administration reform; and local development. The note aims to complement the information on mainstreaming gender equality provided in the existing Handbook on Good Governance (EC 2003) Author(s): Hailé, Jane Source(s): , [27] p. Published: 2006 European commission, [Brussels] (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Participatory budgeting toolkit for local governments in Albania
Abstract: This toolkit documents best practice from the experience of local actors and is based on draft manuals that were prepared for this pilot project by Albanian partners. Participatory budgeting (PB) brings local communities closer to the decision-making process around the public budget. Author(s): Srinivasan, Radhika Source(s): , 42 p., ill., map, tabs Published: 2006…