Tag: indonesia
Decentralization policy and the struggle for authority over forest resources in Tebo regency, Jambi
Abstract: A case study of forest management from Jambi Province on Sumatra, Indonesia, shows that decentralization does not automatically mean that local communities or groups have a higher capacity for sustainable forest management. Author(s): Nurrochmat, Dodik Ridho; Krott, M.; Birner, R. Source(s): , Jurnal manajemen hutan tropika (JMHT); Vol. 12, No. 2 p. 27-35, ill.,…
Sequencing fiscal decentralization
Abstract: Generally, countries do not follow the optimal sequencing for decentralization policies and implementation. The gap between theory and practice is a result of the complexity of sequencing design, which discourages fiscal planners. Proper sequencing requires discipline and vision. Author(s): Bahl, Roy; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 3914 45 p., ill., tabs…
Local governance in developing countries
Abstract: This report develops a comparative institutional framework for responsive, responsible, and accountable governance in developing countries. Ten country case studies of local government organization and finance are included. Author(s): Shah, Anwar Source(s): , Public sector governance and accountability series xxix, 457 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 23 cm Public sector governance and accountability series Published:…
Building and reinventing decentralised governance (BRiDGE) : project document
Abstract: The UNDP-sponsored BRiDGE initiative in Indonesia aims to improve public service through more interactive governance and to strengthen public monitoring of government through better access to information. Its actions have focused on schools and community health centers. Author(s): Source(s): , [53] p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 United nations development programme (UNDP) etc.], [New York,…
Decentralization without accountability : power and authority over local forest governance in Indonesia
Abstract: The decentralization of forest resource management authority to local governments in Indonesia has resulted in a situation in which district governments are neither accountable upward to the central government nor downward to the local people. Author(s): Djogo, Tony; Syaf, Rudi Source(s): , 17 p. Published: 2004 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons (DLC),…
Paths and pitfalls of decentralisation for sustainable forest management : experiences of the Asia-Pacific region
Abstract: Selected case studies of experiences with decentralization in the Asia-Pacific Region have been reviewed for their positive and negative aspects. The impacts on forest management and overall sustainability are noted. Author(s): Ferguson, Ian; Chandrasekharan, Cherukat Source(s): , 36 p., ill., tabs Published: 2004 Center for international forestry research (CIFOR), [Bogor (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Enhancing women’s participation : learning from field experience
Abstract: This book is intended to help enhance the participation of women in Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) and other community driven development programs, using village and kecamatan facilitators KDP is a Government of Indonesia program aimed at alleviating poverty and improving local governance. Author(s): Guggenheim, Scott E.; Diprose, Rachael; Stokes, Kristen Source(s): , vi, 29…
Transforming bureaucracies : institutionalising participation and people centred processes in natural resource management : an annotated bibliography
Abstract: This guide to pre-2000 literature on organizational change and the institutionalization of participation in natural resource management served as a background for a reseach programme to scale up participatory initiatives in Burkina Faso, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Senegal. Author(s): Bainbridge, Vanessa Source(s): , 248 p. Published: 2000 International institute for environment and development] (IIED)…