Tag: internal security
Post-2015 global development agenda : making the case for decentralisation and local governance
Abstract: Decentralization and local governance (DLG) need to be integrated in the post-2015 framework as a ‘strategic enabler’. DLG play a role in providing basic services and addressing inequalities, food insecurity, urbanization, youth unemployment, climate change, conflict and insecurity. Author(s): Awortwi, Nicholas Source(s): , DeLoG working paper; 2 ix, 30 p., ill., graphs, tabs DeLoG…
Global uncertainties : security in an Africa of networked, multi-level governance
Abstract: This research programme (2009-2012) of conflict management in Africa is built on the observation that all governance (esp. in Africa) is multi-levelled and networked – from the village to the international organisation, and well beyond what is specified in formal government structures. Author(s): IDS Source(s): , Published: 2012 Institute of development studies (IDS), Brighton…
FLOW : Funding leadership and opportunities for women
Abstract: Funding Leadership and Opportunities for Women (FLOW) is a fund that has been set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. It finances 34 projects focusing on security, economic self-reliance and political participation in more than 100 countries. Author(s): Netherlands Source(s): , Published: 2012 Ministry of foreign affairs of the Netherlands,…
Insecurity and local governance in Congo’s south Kivu
Abstract: This report explores the role of various local organizations and groups in conflict and post-conflict governance and networking in South Kivu have been affected by the civil war and the ways in which local communities cope with chaos and the absence of the state. Author(s): Mushi, Ferdinand Mugumo Source(s): , IDS research report; 74…
Mapping police services in the Democratic republic of Congo : institutional interactions at central, provincial and local levels
Abstract: This paper examines the roles, responsibilities and interactions between the various formal and informal institutions and stakeholders involved in the management of police services in the DRC. It identifies informal networks that influence decision-making processes and policy implementation. Author(s): Nlandu, Thierry Mayamba Source(s): , IDS research report; 71 103 p., ill., tabs IDS research…
The governance gap : a response to Kony2012
Abstract: This documentary shwos how the conflict with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) undermines people’s capacities and voice, and local democracy in the Acholi region of Uganda. It tells the story of Nighty, a woman who survived the conflict and displacement camps. See also http://thegovernancegap.eu/. Author(s): Oosterom, Marjoke; Kool, Esther; Otim, Patrick; Luzinda, Solomon; Maden,…
Decentralization and political opposition in contemporary Africa : evidence from Sudan and Ethiopia
Abstract: The impact of decentralization on political stability is examined, using the contrasting cases of Ethiopia and Sudan. In Sudan, inequitable decentralization opened the door for political opposition in the North to topple the regime, whereas equitable decentralization in Ethiopia led to stability. Author(s): Green, Elliott D. Source(s): , [26] p. Published: 2011 London school…
Republic of the Philippines. Department of the interior and local government (Kagawaran ng interyor at pamahalaang lokal)
Abstract: Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) of the Philippines is concerned with local autonomy, peace and order, and public safety. It provides plans, policies, programs, projects, and assistance towards legislation regarding local governments, law enforcement and public safety. Author(s): Philippines Source(s): , Published: 2010 Republic of the Philippines. Department of the interior…
Making decentralization work : democracy, development, and security
Abstract: This introductory chapter to a collection of essays provides an excellent overview of how decentralization may both enhance and undermine democracy, development, and security. Decentralization appeals flexibly to actors who are motivated by very different goals. Author(s): Connerley, Ed; Eaton, Kent; Smoke, Paul J. Source(s): , viii, 263 p., ill., tabs, 24 cm Published:…