Tag: Local Government
FCM : Federation of Canadian municipalities = Fédération canadienne des municipalités
Abstract: FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities) International provides ways for Canadian municipalities to engage with their counterparts around the world, to contribute knowledge, and to foster cooperation across a global network of local governments. Author(s): FCM Source(s): , Published: 2013 Federation of Canadian municipalities = Fédération canadienne des municipalités (FCM), Ottawa (English; French ISBN/ISSN: /…
Strengthening local councils in Uganda
Abstract: Uganda’s ambitious decentralization programme did not prepare district officials and local council members to deliver. The Strengthening Democratic Linkages in Uganda Activity worked with councilors in 10 districts by simplifying processes for planning and budgeting and clarifying procedures. Author(s): Mulema, Eva; Wetterberg, Anna Source(s): , International development group working paper series; 2013-01 iv, 23…
Strengthening local self governance in Odisha through empowerment of Palli Sabha/Gram Sabha
Abstract: This paper argues that good governance in the rural areas of Orissa, India, through the local self-government system of Panchayati Raj can work effectively only when people realize the importance of Palli Sabha and Gram Sabha in village development. Author(s): Rout, Benudhar; Sahu, N.T. Source(s): , Odisha review; Vol. 69, No. 7-8 p. 103-109…
The political economy of decentralization in sub-Saharan Africa : a new implementation model in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal
Abstract: This study examines the overall design of local government financing systems in sub-Saharan Africa. An analytical guide to decentralization is proposed, its purpose being to produce a comparative table for cross-country analysis. The approach is clearly contextualized to each country. Author(s): Dafflon, Bernard; Madiès, Thierry Source(s): , Africa development forum series xxvii, 310 p.,…
The land governance assessment framework : identifying and monitoring good practice in the land sector
Abstract: The framework (LGAF) provides guidance to diagnose and benchmark land governance. If land institutions function properly, land taxation provides a simple yet efficient tool to increase effective decentralization and to foster local government accountability. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus W.; Selod, Harris; Burns, Anthony F. Source(s): , Agriculture and rural development xvi, 147 p., ill., tabs…
Integrated development planning process and service delivery challenges for South Africa’s local municipalities
Abstract: This article shows that the service delivery challenges faced by municipalities in South Africa could be addressed if clear strategies are formulated to strengthen community participation Author(s): Madzivhandila, Thanyani S.; Asha, Aklilu A. Source(s): , [JPAD]; Vol. 47, no. 1.1 p. 369-378 [JPAD] Vol. 47, no. 1.1 Published: 2012 Sabinet], [Guateng etc. (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Supporting improved water services : national municipal benchmarking initiative
Abstract: Local Government Water Services Authorities in South Africa have contributed significantly towards increased access to basic and improved water services. The benchmarking initiative builds local and international learning,and seeks to use benchmarking for further improvements. Author(s): Moraka, William Source(s): , IMESA; March p. 79, ill IMESA March Published: 2012 Sabinet], [Guateng etc. (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Accountability of local and state governments in India : an overview of recent research
Abstract: Distortions in Indian local government accountability are examined, including: (1) limited voter participation and awareness; (2) ideology, honesty and competence of political parties and electoral candidates; (3) capture by elites; and (4) clientelism and vote-buying. Reform lessons are drawn. Author(s): Mookherjee, Dilip Source(s): , 49 p. Published: 2012 Boston university. People.by.edu], [Boston (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Scaling up in agriculture, rural development, and nutrition : moving local- and community-driven development from boutique to large scale
Abstract: Scaling up an LCDD program generally takes 10 to 15 years. The overall process is nonlinear, iterative and should use a systems perspective. Scaling up has many dimensions, including inclusiveness and the need to go beyond participation by embedding empowerment in the entire development process. Author(s): Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P.; Regt, Jacomina P. De Source(s):…