Tag: popular participation
Open government partnership
Abstract: In order to participate in OGP, governments must exhibit a demonstrated commitment to open government at local and national level in four key areas: (1) fiscal transparency; (2) access to information; (3) public disclosure for elected or senior public officials; and (4) citizen engagement. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Open government partnership (OGP), [S.l.]…
Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security : from finding common ground to making it happen
Abstract: The FAO has been preparing voluntary guidelines to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests worldwide. They are based on principles, such as the respect and recognition of all legitimate tenure right holders and their rights and the provision of access to justice. Author(s): Wehrmann, Babette; Arial, Anni; Romano, Francesca Source(s):…
Local economic development in Africa : the case of Saclepea, Liberia
Abstract: In a case study of Saclepea, Liberia, this paper shows the role that an appropriately designed local economic development (LED) plan can play in a rural African community emerging from crisis. It was concluded that local participation is crucial to the sustainability and success of LED efforts. Author(s): Trussell, Melissa Rose; Moore, Robert Elijah…
Citizen voice and state accountability : towards theories of change that embrace contextual dynamics
Abstract: The question of ‘what works under what circumstances’ informs this study of citizen voice and accountability in different governance contexts in Africa. One key factor is finding the right incentives to mobilize citizens’ voice while also generating incentives for government institutions. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Working paper / Overseas development institute; 343 vi,…
Ethical perspective of health sector reform process in Nepal
Abstract: This articles examines the equity, efficiency, and accountability aspects of the second phase of the Nepal Health Sector Programme (2010-2015). Decentralization is used to enhance accountability and governance of the health services throughout the country. Author(s): Sapkota, Vishnu Prasad Source(s): , Health prospect; 11 p. 36-39 Health prospect 11 Published: 2012 Nepal journals online…
The evolution of Chukua Hatua
Abstract: Chukua Hatua, which means Take action in Kiswahili, is a programme aiming to support active citizenship in communities in northern Tanzania. It is an effective Oxfam programme that encourages citizens to ask, know and demand their rights in education, health, and other public services. Author(s): Mapunda, Kisuma Source(s): , 14:51 min. Published: 2012 Oxfam,…
Decentralization and good governance in Africa : institutional challenges to Uganda’s local governments
Abstract: This paper explored the local governments’ institutional challenges to good governance in Uganda. It shows that citizens’ level of involvement and dynamism to effectively engage local governments, and lack of timely adequate information, greatly limits their participation. Author(s): Kiwanuka, Michael Source(s): , Journal of African & Asian local government studies (JAALGS); Vol. 1, No.…
Decentralisation and devolution in Nicaragua’s north Atlantic autonomous region : natural resources and indigenous peoples’ rights
Abstract: This paper examines decentralization of natural resources management in Nicaragua and argues that communities continue to lose out under multilevel governance regimes without concerted efforts to level the playing field. Author(s): Larson, Anne M.; Lewis-Mendoza, Jadder Source(s): , International journal of the commons; Vol. 6, No. 2 p. 179-199, ill., map International journal of…
Citizen participation and transparency in local government : an empirical analysis : paper
Abstract: The relationship between citizens’ engagement in participation programs and their assessment of government transparency was examined with a focus on perceptions of openness, corruption, communication with citizens, and fair and increased opportunities to participate in the decision making process. Author(s): Kim, Soonhee; Lee, Jooho Source(s): , 21 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 Utrecht university,…