Tag: popular participation
Participatory budgeting Page on Facebook
Abstract: This is a Facebook group for the exchange of information among those interested in practices of participatory budgeting, participatory democracy and ICT usage as a support to participatory democracy practices. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Facebook, [Palo Alto, CA] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=22229870351&v=wall
Electronic government : proceedings
Abstract: [Partial preview] The proceedings of the 2011 international conference on electronic government contain several papers on e-participation and e-governance, including one on eGovernment implementation in developing countries. Author(s): Janssen, Marijn Source(s): , LNCS; 6846 xvi, 466 p., ill. LNCS 6846 Published: 2011 Springer, Heidelberg [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-642-22878-0/ Link: http://books.google.nl/books?id=YVw68c9sYm8C&printsec=frontcover&hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false
Accountability in public services in South Africa : selected issues
Abstract: The service delivery capacity and quality challenges in South Africa are examined by analysing the interaction between service providers and beneficiaries. Special emphasis is placed on the accountability relationships among citizen-users, policymakers, and service providers. Author(s): Brink, Rogier Van Den Source(s): , xiv, 157 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2011 World bank, [Washington,…
Information on local government in Africa : North-south local government co-operation programme
Abstract: The North-South Local Government Programme is coordinated by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (AFLRA). It aims to strengthen the capacities of local government to provide basic public services and to promote good governance and local democracy. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Association of Finnish local and regional authorities, Helsinki (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Embedding poor people’s voices in local governance : participation and political empowerment in India : a report to West Bengal stakeholders
Abstract: This is a preliminary report on the opportunities available to poor and marginalised households in West Bengal’s present political conditions to participate within formal structures of local governance. Author(s): WUR Source(s): , [26] p., ill., maps, tabs Published: 2011 Wageningen UR (WUR), [Wageningen (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://edepot.wur.nl/162337
CIVICUS : World alliance for citizen participation = Alliance mondiale pour la participation citoyenne = Alianza mundial para la participación ciudadana
Abstract: US-based international alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world. Its website includes a calendar of events, an online newsletter, bookshop, programs with online texts and links to other websites. Author(s): CIVICUS Source(s): , Published: 2011 World alliance for citizen participation (CIVICUS), [Washington, DC] (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
The political economy of decentralization in Thailand : does decentralization allow for peasant participation? : paper
Abstract: The apparent interdependence of decentralisation and smallholder participation is studied, using the case of the Tambon Administration Organisation in Thailand. Since 1990, decentralization and recentralization have alternated. Elite capture and the bureaucracy prevented effective particaption. Author(s): Dufhues, Thomas Source(s): , 12 p., ill. Published: 2011 University of Minnesota. Waite library. AgEcon search], [St. Paul,…
Limits to decentralization in Mozambique : leadership, politics and local government capacities for service delivery
Abstract: This study of the stifled process of decentralization in Mozambique seeks to assess the extent to which the new decision-making processes are able to respond to the needs of the communities they serve and represent. Capacity development is essential for effective basic service delivery coverage. Author(s): Machohe, António Pedro José Source(s): , xx, 233…
Municipal development partnership eastern and southern Africa (MDP-ESA) : a partnership enabling local government capacity
Abstract: The partnership is a hands-on capacity building facility with the aim of enabling effective self-governance at local level in Sub-Saharan Africa. It promotes alternative development approaches to problems that affect local authorities by placing emphasis on ownership and direct participation. Author(s): MDP Source(s): , Published: 2011 Municipal development partnership eastern and southern Africa (MDP-ESA),…